vent in comment section


04.05.2021 00:45
Linksorry- if you don't like vents please scroll!!

04.05.2021 00:47
Linki like this guy- ended up being his 2nd favorite the whole time and i stopped liking him. I like another guy and i'm his favorite choice now too- i don't know what i did wrong ig??

04.05.2021 00:50
Linki also don't know why i'm so loud and my thoughts switch 24/7. It's like i'm thinking about one thing and then suddenly i think of something else. im also really annoying at times cause i put up like a happy go lucky personality 24/7 and it kinda hurts but thats the way i see myself so-

04.05.2021 00:51
LinkI also love drawing but my parents think it's my only option to getting a job when i get older and they keep focusing on that and not on the stuff i like to talk or do like- i like to talk about lgbtqia+ rights and i like to talk about politics (IN A FRIENDLY WAY!! i don't like fighting)

04.05.2021 00:52
Linki also have always wanted to do therapy/psychology and major in it but my parents say i'm too one sided to do it.

04.05.2021 00:53
Linki feel like i'm being forced to grow up way too fast and i need someone by my side but i can't have a relationship without EVERYONE knowing and my parents pestering me about it 24/7

04.05.2021 00:55
Linkand i know i have you guys by my back and i thank you about that- it's just i'm kinda sick and tired of not being noticed?? or more like always being 2nd? and i know if my irl friends saw this they would be like "Aries, you always win and you have a lot of friends what are you talking about?? stop being so overemotional." or "everyone loves you, stop playing the victim." it makes me feel like i'm not allowed to have normal sad emotions or insecurites like other people.

04.05.2021 00:57
Linklike i say i'm too skinny and my friends are like " no you're not?!?" and then when i say i look a little big they say "no you're not, you're literally invalidating every plus size person" and i'm like "then i'm averaged sized!!" and they're like "no you're skinny, shut up"

04.05.2021 00:58
Linki'm just sick and tired of being happy and when i get sad everyone acts like it's the end of the earth. Like it's fine 100% just give me some time to myself or at least let me talk and then listen to me.

04.05.2021 01:01
Linksorry lol needed to let out emotions. still love all my friends!! don't worry about thisss <3

ok! (I don't use slurs btw)
Too one-sided. Too. One-sided. That is a downright S**ty opinion. You major in what you love no matter what they think. Follow your dreams. Also, wH- "sToP pLaYiNg ThE vIcTiM" Nah. You are not playing the victim. Your emotions are your emotions not some actor in a play's. Tbh, I have those emotions in my head. All you have to do is say "No. These are my emotions, not yours. This is my body and you don't know what's in my brain. I know. And I for one, am not faking." You are amazing, supportive, sweet, and talented. Don't let a single soul tell you otherwise queen ❤️

I can understand a whole lot of these things (considering some i've gone through), and well all I can really tell you is that you are a great person, a SPECIAL person. Sure, you may have heard those lines one too many times, but they are true, and in many cases (including mine!) you are always going to be #1 :]
The people who play with your emotions or try to make them seem invalid are not worth your time (even if they are friends, but you are so much more ^^). too "one-sided" too much "this" too "that", or not enough "that", just remember that you are an amazing person with a whole lot of talent and an amazing personality!
( hang in there friend, life can be tough but you are tougher! :} ♥♥♥♥)