only a little bit crazy


zachi the wolf process

Step by Step Origami Crane 2.0



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Farewell | Quitting Lmt


05.02.2023 20:48
Linkthis will take a minute, so be patient pls <3

05.02.2023 20:56
LinkTW:Heavy topics, SH/Suicide topics
Hey everyone, Before I get into the reasons as to why I will be leaving this website, I want to go into detail about my life on here basically when I started animating.
When I was abt 9-10 yrs old I originally went on this app during the lockdown because I was bored and wanted to draw on my computer. I came across this site and I instantly fell in love. I was young and stupid at the time, and I was full of energy and was a very annoying child. The world hadn't hit me yet and I was instantly introduced to the internet and far worse things on it than I had ever seen/experienced. I started figuring out what suicide and depression was and I instantly thought I had it and basically made it my personality. I would go around making posts about how I wanted to die and such when I actually didn't but I was not educated enough to realize that. I started roleplaying and met some great people through that. In the beginning of roleplaying I met my now bestfriend Charli. (Love ya<3)

05.02.2023 21:01
LinkI began to roleplay ALL THE TIME with her and it was so much fun! I later found out about an app called Kosmi.io which was like a sshitty version of dicord lol. I went on Kosmi and I met the first two (other than Charli) people that I really befriended on this app. I met OHNOOHGOD who would play Venge.io with me all the time. And along with him, I met someone who I forgot the name of but I think it was something like Randomdude or smth. I wanna thank you both even though you don't know me anymore, for playing with an obviously young dumb kid and hanging out with her<3. After I met these people I began to meet other friends who I would draw with, unfortuantly some of which I havent heard of and went "missing" on this app such as Alexcookies. Ofc bc I was a kid, I loved drama and I would always start drama with ppl such as HTMMH3 and others that were in the right unlike him. Thats where I started to post gruesome things about depression and all of that. I would endlessly start drama and I apologize for doing so

05.02.2023 21:04
LinkI at first now look back and lately have wanted to delete those anims, but now looking back it only reminds me of the "good days" and reminds me of how far i've come today. Therefore I will not be deleting those anytime soon. Evenually I finally met amazing people, and my best friends Panda, and Skid. <<33 I love yall to death and you guys have stuck with me through all my cringey phases. srsly ilysm <333

05.02.2023 21:08
LinkI now haven't been on recently that much, and I do now have depression and other things that now I am not faking and unfortuantly actually have. I lately havent been on the site much and overall lost motivation to continue drawing so I would only be on to chat or rp. It has almost been a month since the last time I even said anything on here, and I think its probably going to stay that way. As much as I love this terrible fvcking site, all good things must come to an end and I have so many hopes and dreams and passions I am busy working on today. I am quitting, but not offically in a sort of way. I probably wont ever post again but here an there I might come on to check up on the site or continue some rps. Other than that I am officially leaving this site for good. Even if I haven't said your name in here, I want you to know that there are way more people who have impacted me and my life in this journey and I want you to know that I love you<33

05.02.2023 21:09
LinkI hope that you all have a great life, i love you all so much. never let anyone bring you down or tell you who you are. know that no matter what you are loved and beautiful!! I LOVE YOU ALL<33333
Comment removed

05.02.2023 21:32
LinkFollowing: 886
Followers: 471
Thank you all for everything!! love you guyss <33

It,s okay :3 i understand, and besides, I can still talk to you on discord so it's all good :3 and as long as you be okay is good with me :)