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grass is bad for the enviromen


08.05.2023 16:50

08.05.2023 16:51
LinkGUUYS LISTEN TO MEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08.05.2023 16:52
LinkLawn mower culture is the culture surrounding grass lawns. Grass is the producer of many harmful things such as dads in cargo shorts, high amounts of carbon dioxide emissions, oceanic dead zones, carbon dioxide producing machines (i.a. lawn mowers, leaf blowers, weed – whackers, etc.), and unnecessary status symbols. Grass is not even worth it; it was a scheme for the French to sneer at the poor in the country because they had some funky little plants covering the front of their house’s land.

08.05.2023 16:52
LinkGrass is the silent killer of native biodiversity in America. According to an article by Lenore Hitchler in October 3, 2018, titled “Grass Lawns Are an Ecological Catastrophe”; grass is responsible for 1.2% of greenhouse gas emissions. Grass is also responsible for the production of a nitrogen three hundred times more potent the carbon dioxide. All of this is due to conventual fertilizers. The average 630,248 eight square miles of turf requires ninety million pounds of fertilizer. Most fertilizer is made with high amounts of ammonia, ammonia is bad because it is toxic to necessary native plant life. There is a plot in Miami that lets out eleven tons of carbon dioxide and ammonia a year, due to conventual fertilizers. This obviously is a major problem, as carbon dioxide and ammonia are both things you do not want to float around in our atmosphere, seeing as both are toxic.

08.05.2023 16:52
LinkAnother reason grass is problematic, is because of water runoff. Water runoff is when the fertilizer from grass gets in the water, and that water gets into the ocean. The fertilizer causes the aquatic plants to flourish and grow. Now that does not sound all that bad, however, since the fertilizer is not made for ocean plants that live on land, it causes the plants to die then sink to the oceans floor, and decompose, letting off large amounts of oxygen loss and carbon dioxide. This happens to be very bad because it limits these spots to no aquatic life. In 2008 it was recorded that there are 400 dead zones in the ocean. Dead zones are especially scary because they expand and spread, and we have no idea how to fix it. There is one record breaking dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico that is the size of Connecticut.

08.05.2023 16:53
LinkNow let’s talk about lawn mowers 350,000 manual lawn mowers are sold per year, which are great for cutting grass because it takes no gas, causing no carbon dioxide emission. On another note, approximately six – million gas powered lawn mowers were sold in a year. Which is not exactly great, I mean, gas powered anything releases quite a lot of carbon dioxide. Not only that, but they also use gas powered vehicles, to transport gas powered vehicles. That is a lot of carbon dioxide for some green hairs sprouting from the dirt, that are, is full of toxic fertilizer. It is recorded that 580,000,00 gallons of gas is used to fuel lawn mowers per year from the entirety of the American population. This of course caused 16,000,000 to 41,000,000 pounds of carbon dioxide to be released per year. The approximant amount of gas burned by one average lawn mowing person a year is enough to fuel a 100 – mile car trip according to the EPA. Which sucks seeing as if that is just one person, what about the rest of the American pop

08.05.2023 16:53
Linkthe American population. This of course caused 16,000,000 to 41,000,000 pounds of carbon dioxide to be released per year. The approximant amount of gas burned by one average lawn mowing person a year is enough to fuel a 100 – mile car trip according to the EPA. Which sucks seeing as if that is just one person, what about the rest of the American population that have lawns, added up. That is not even counting leaf blowers which produce hydrocarbon emissions that are identical to driving a car 770,000,000,– miles per year.

08.05.2023 16:53
LinkIt is important to note that grass is not native to America and is invasive. Grass lawns started in aristocratic France. It was seen as a status staple because it originally was not grass, apparently, they had taste. Lawns started with expensive herbs, such as thyme. Around the early 1700s the French introduced our favorite green blades. For ages, closely cut green turf was the standard for French country club French moms. In 1806 Thomas Jefferson introduced the American soil to grass and a lovers – to – enemies story emerged. Now we have pollution, thanks Thomas Jefferson. Currently for some reason, a green lawn is the pinnacle of the American dream aesthetic. This aesthetic is currently perpetuating classist ideas, without even realizing it.

08.05.2023 16:54
LinkMy solution to this, turf grass problem is to get rid of grass all together. While one solution is not exactly smart, seeing as you would have to light your whole neighborhood on fire, which produces more carbon dioxide. I say, we replace your classist, carbon dioxide generating, ocean killing, grass with something more sustainable, such as moss. Moss is native to everywhere (not including Antarctica). Moss also produces healthy and strong habitats for pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and wasps. You can tear up all your grass and donate it to livestock farms, so the cows get a snack, and, the clippings stay out of landfills, where it would be burnt and turned into more carbon dioxide. An added plus is that moss yards do not need to be mowed, because it’s moss. Along with that, it requires no fertilizer. The only maintenance it requires would be to sweep the leaves off with a broom, but that is only if you have trees. Underneath the moss, worms thrive, and moss is non-invasive. Another added bonus is th

08.05.2023 16:55
LinkAnother added bonus is that it looks like a fairy yard.

08.05.2023 16:56
LinkIn conclusion grass is bad for the environment. This is because high amounts of carbon dioxide emissions, oceanic dead zones, carbon dioxide producing machines, and unnecessary status symbols all contribute to the loss of native biodiversity. There is only one healthy way to fix the grass problem, and that would be replacing grass with something more sustainable such as moss yards or yards that are not grass, such as clover, ivy, rock, and or even sea shell yards.

08.05.2023 16:56
1 Lenore Hitchler, “Grass Lawns are an Ecological Catastrophe” https://www.onlynatrualenergy.com October 3, 2018.
2 Joshua Rapplearn, “your perfect lawn is bad for the environment” https://www.discovermagazine.com/enviroment/your-perfect-lawn-is-bad-for-the-enviroment-heres-what-to-do-instead, May 29, 2021, 10:00 am
3 no url or author☹
4 Marke Hostler, Martin B main “Native Landscaping VS. Exotic Landscaping” https://wec.//fas.edu/extension/gc/harmony/landscaping/nativeandexotic.htm