I need to say this lmt


19.05.2021 15:30

19.05.2021 15:31
LinkNothings wrong don't get worried I'm just very pissed off

19.05.2021 15:33
LinkOkay so if I have you blocked it's for a goddamn reason so don't make a post asking me why I blocked you because yesterday I saw at least 4 posts asking me why I blocked a person but guess what on the 2 posts I did see people were getting mad at me for blocking you
Wtf am I not allowed to use the ****ing block button on people???

19.05.2021 15:35
LinkIf I have you blocked it's because I have gotten annoyed with you or I just don't like you (Yes sometimes it is an accident but still don't make a post about it cause it still makes people mad at me)

19.05.2021 15:39
LinkQuit asking me why I blocked you and if I can unblock you
Stfu seriously I'm tired of seeing posts that say "Why did you block me wolfyart123???" I've ****ing had it quit asking me why I have you blocked
Wouldn't you get annoyed if you had asked people to stop asking why you blocked them but you still see at least 4-5 ****ing posts after you asked them to stop asking you why??

19.05.2021 15:43
LinkI'm ****ing annoyed with people
Why do I have to give you a reason I blocked you? Am I not allowed to block people without people getting mad at me because you make a whole damn post about it? This is ****ing annoying and what's the point of even making the post anyways if I have you blocked it most likely means I don't want to interact with you

I've seen many of those stupid 'wHy DiD yOu BlOcK mE wOlfYaRt' too
Guys, we all have access to the block button, if you're blocked, you're blocked. If you're their friend or someone they currently trust and you got blocked, you can ask another one of their friends to ask them, or go on an alt at ask them, or maybe go on a comment of theirs (when its relevant). And ask respectfully. Don't just act like you're busting into the room and gonna kill them if they don't unblock you. Don't act like a crybaby either.

Yeah I agree
Its gonna get annoying and it is annoying if someone asks "wHYd yOu bLOCk mEH!!!!!!!1!1!"
Star I have a reason and I want you to use your tiny brain to figure it out <///3