
an Espeon too

drago file :3

Angry birds

Citrus || Cast Off (Chp. 25)


28.10.2020 19:27
LinkI'll go first

(True story) Ok so, I was playing Among Us with my friend black, and he was impostor. I didn‘t know that though. But before the round started, black said he wanted to be my buddy. And we were buddies. We got seperated when the power went out and I went to do a task in electrics (Yes I do tasks in electrics without hesitation) and I found yellow dead. I also saw black venting away. He didn’t know I saw him, and I kept quiet because we were buddies. Later on, he killed me. No one saw, and I was rooting for him. So the round went on, he won, we said gg. Next round we wanted to be buddies again, but I was impostor. We were buddies. I only got to kill yellow in the blackout, and the rest voted themselves out. It was down to pink black and me and eventually I told them that I was impostor and that they should vote me out because they deserve the win. Black was defestated and said “NOOOOOO” “BROWN DONT DO IT” I said things like “yall are so wholesome” and, “this is the most wholesome round ever” and also “yall deser
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“yall deserve the win vote me” It took us like three emergency meetings, and we decided to vote pink out so we could both win. (I was pretty sure if we did that I would win and he would lose but whatever) And pink was good with that. So we voted pink out and “We both won” After the round ended we were nice and said “tx so much” “gg” “this was the most wholesome round ever” the remaining ghosts lime and blue said “that (s word) is so annoying literally (f word) u” and “(n word)” But we didnt care. We had fun.
Conclusion: Don’t be blue and lime, and Among Us should have a friend system.