I cant tell anyone how I feel
30.11.2021 02:46
Linkأريد أن أخبر أحداً ولكني خائفة ، سوف يستخدمونها ضدي ؟؟؟ لا ، سيقولون فقط مزيفك ، مشاعري لا تهم ، هذا ما أخبرتني أختي أنه صحيح! لا أستطيع الابتسام أو الضحك بعد الآن: د
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30.11.2021 02:49
LinkYour feelings matter and you should voice them, People can help you with them. Don't be afraid to tell people how you feel.
30.11.2021 02:51
LinkBut, I got so used to it so now I just fake my feelings always happy printing my dad will laugh at me or mom. My mom says she has stressed for an excuse but If I tell my mom or dad they will think I am lying I just want help from some One.