

05.03.2025 05:01
LinkSurely this'll carry no consequences.

05.03.2025 05:04
LinkOf course it won't! The Spawn watches over us and will provide us with safety and comfort!

05.03.2025 05:07
LinkYeah, alright. About that game you mentioned?

05.03.2025 05:09
LinkAh yes! Truth or dare, or we could play other games.. I've actually never experienced a sleepover before, the excitement is almost overwhelming!

05.03.2025 05:10
LinkThe last one I had was a long time ago with—Nevermind, it’ll be refreshing!
So, do you wanna go first or me?

05.03.2025 05:16
LinkYou may decide! I do not mind.

05.03.2025 05:17
Link…hm, truth or dare to you?

05.03.2025 05:18

05.03.2025 05:19
LinkWhy DO you follow the spawn?

05.03.2025 05:25
LinkAh.. because the Spawn is someone to look up to, something to follow! It grants those who are truly devoted to it's ever so kind and undying love a second life. Or a second Chance.. get it? I could speak so much more on them but I fear it would take the whole night..

05.03.2025 05:27
LinkInteresting… Well, it’s your turn now.

05.03.2025 05:28
LinkYes, truth or dare Chance?

05.03.2025 05:32
LinkDare, why not?

05.03.2025 05:35
LinkHm.. I dare you to hold a deep and meaningful conversation with an inanimate object for a minute!

05.03.2025 05:40
LinkI’ve got this!
* He pulls out his flintlock, twirling it around his finger for a second before placing it down and staring at it.
So, how was the death in the family? I know, I know it’s hard… Stop putting that much gunpowder into you? Well, where’s the fun in using you then?! One bullet just makes it more fun!—
* He continues, babbling to it for… a bit too long, before tucking it back into his robe.
…So, truth or dare to you?

05.03.2025 05:42
Link*Two Time had been giggling to themself the entire time, stifling their snickers behind their hand as they try to calm their breathing.*
Y-yes.. I pick dare as well.

05.03.2025 05:50
LinkHm, Ah! I dare you to… hold your breath for as long as you can!

05.03.2025 05:55
*Their smile widens slightly as they pause their breath, holding it in for around 7 minutes before letting out an exhale.*
That's the longest I've had to hold my breath for a while now.. very exhilarating! Now.. your turn, truth or dare?

05.03.2025 06:00
Link* He stares blankly even after he let out a breath, simply… in awe, at some point believing Two Time had somehow passed out while standing, but here they were. fine.
Comment removed

05.03.2025 06:09
Link{} i wrote something wronf do i end it
What are your thoughts on Mafioso? You two seem friendly, close even.
{} fall for my evil doublefedora trap you totally never saw coming

05.03.2025 06:12
Link> ok what if i killed you. ok what about that. huh. what if i put you in a dirt hole and buried you alive. what then.
* He hesitated for a moment, eyes widening before relaxing once more.
He’s amazing to have around. You don’t need to know anymore, so truth or dare?

05.03.2025 06:15
Link{} "you dont need to know anymore" ok buddy so ur gay.. just say it the closet is GLASS
Of course, I wouldn't want to dig too much, hm.. I'll match you! Truth.

05.03.2025 06:19
Link> the closet got burnt with the oven.
…Just HOW devoted are you to the spawn if you could put it into words?

05.03.2025 06:25
LinkI am.. very devoted. I am not comfortable with... explaining more, but I have done something irreversible for them.
*They looked absent minded for a moment, their smile faltering slightly.*
Something I deeply regret yet.. nevermind. I love the Spawn with all my heart and I am truly faithful towards them.
*Two Time's usual grin returned.*
Truth or dare?

05.03.2025 06:28
Link…I won’t pry. Dare.

05.03.2025 06:35
LinkI dare you to remove your hat! I've always been curious about what's under there..

05.03.2025 06:39
Link…Ah, would you be nice enough to dare like… anything else?

05.03.2025 06:41
LinkAre you backing down? Very cowardly Chance..
..Pretty please?

05.03.2025 06:44
LinkI just- come on, I have my reasons!

05.03.2025 06:45
LinkAh.. what was the saying again? Pretty please? With whipped cream and a cherry on top?

05.03.2025 06:47
Link* His usual grin falters for a moment before returning just as quickly as it fell.
Alright, fine… Just don’t say anything about it, okay? Give me a moment.
* He almost looked as if he were psyching himself up.

05.03.2025 06:50
LinkI'm sure you don't have anything treacherous under there! The Spawn accepts all, just like I have and will.

05.03.2025 07:32