
Request from my little sister

I kinda gave up on it lmao



Just Beecause



01.04.2023 21:02
Linkit doesnt look the best but hey im to lazy to fix the animation lol, total of hours: 7 🥲 quite happy with the improvement :D
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the sad part is no matter how much improvement there is, the old one always looks better for some strange reason
(no offence there is some great improvement)
but the old one has the messy animation that kinda makes it seem more perfect, and the hair and hand was animated in a larger margin as well, giving it a more alive feel. obvi the better the drawing looks the harder it is to animate it coz i can see it has great shading and stuff, so it would be hard to seperate the layers or it would look weird
have a cookie for improving tho 🍪