

Timelapse |TristanTele|

Finger tap

❤️ Corgi! 🐾 (remake)

EVERYTIME ROSE XD everytime...



05.11.2021 04:44
LinkAmazing animation.

im really proud of this, it was 87 frames, otherwise it would be a pain in the neck to upload but, yeah, if you didnt get it, the sound of the mocking bird reminded him of the sounds of bullets hitting the rees, his name is pj-87 and he was built as a robotic warrior

I remember a book where robot got stuck on an island and learn to speak two animals and also had to replace its leg with a wooden one after a long time it realized it was not an animal and asked the beaver it adopted the press the weird button on the back of its head and after that he pressed it again allowing the robot to access its memories more about learned it was not an animal and decided to leave the island to go back to where it's all original location was