Happy Birthday FlipAnim!
~Star Gazing~
I was bored (and hungry XD)
RUDE - Eternal Youth (jsabfm)
I have an issue
28.06.2020 22:32
LinkU ok
I don’t like my voice. And I hear you thinking, “hey that’s not so bad. I know lots of people who don’t like their voice.” This isn’t just a disliking, it’s out right hate. Every time I talk I despise myself Even more than before. And I don’t talk to many people like most introverts but over time, me not talking to people has become an issue. In the second grade I talked to only 4 people over all. My first three to four years of public cosplay I was a silent and faceless cosplayer. Heck, even in my family there are people who don’t know what my voice sounds like and I hurts me. Form the beginning of the year till now I’ve only had full out conversations with about 10 people. This in now a bigger issue than ever before and it’s started to become an actual problem. Any time I have to talk to some one I don’t know I start to have anxiety attacks and panic atacks and I cant control it. It has actually started to scare me. I’m currently working on this issue by myself and trying to figure out how to ease this fear
But because of me not talking I have no one to reach out too. It’s hard not talking and I get asked a lot of questions that I have to answer because of it. Just knowing that I have to talk to at least someone when I go some where has started to give me anxiety attacks every time I set food in a public area. But I’ve started to formulate solutions that I will use to try and help me finally figure out how to friggin talk to someone until I can actually go places again. Thank you to anyone who has stopped by and listened to a meaningless person on the interwebs talk about their issues. It means a lot to me. I will update on this eventually.