

08.01.2022 22:30
LinkA)So you're at the hospital for whatever reason and was assigned a doctor,dr lorelei.He was ok and acted as any normal doctor would but something was off about him. you tried to explain it to the nurses but they didn't believe you bc they thought he was a great man. so now it's night and you're asleep but u hear someone enter the room,making u open ur eyes.it was pretty dark so you couldnt see who had entered but it hit u when u heard dr lorelei's voice echo through the room"Nobody will beleive you."
B)U work at a fast food place and notice a segull man that comes in there everysingle day at a spesific time,order's the same meal and leaves at a spesific time aswell. you never rlly questioned it but it was sort of weird how he would stare at u sometimes. one day the man came up to the counter and instead of asking for his usual order he just started flirting with you.

08.01.2022 22:31
Linklorelei is an elf man and he's 24 i think(bi)
segull man who's name is toshi is 23 and is also bi but prefers female
dont let this flop

*Shade stood there, confused on why tf he was flirting with him*

Soon the room went silent for a moment and something dropped next to her,something like a scalpel. a few seconds after that lorelei turned on the lights and held a clipboard infront of him to make it look like he was writing something down.A nurse suddenly opened the door with neira's dinner on a tray and looked at lorelei"Is everything ok?Why are you standing so close to the door?"
"Everything is fine.The patient seemed to somehow get hold of one of the equipments so i had to keep my distance."he pointed over to her and the nurse looked surprised

Daphne the hellhound looked up at seagull man, "...?" She was just trying to act like a human :sob: