

26.11.2020 00:12
Linkawwwh yay
that lil doodles adorable-
who gon start?
also sorry discord died

26.11.2020 00:15
Linkits just too accurate lmao
hmmmm, I will if you don't wanna 👁️👅👁️

26.11.2020 00:16
Linkit really is lmao
i willll since you made the thingy and i have a pretty good idea how to start-

26.11.2020 00:18
and alrighty

26.11.2020 00:21
Linkvery much lol

Damien quietly walks home, adjusting his sweatshirt to hide the uh, mild bloodstain on his shirt, then sighs and turns it backwards and puts his sweatshirt on, zipping it up, then ruffles his hair, breathing heavily as he knocks on his own front door lmao

Damien shakes his head. "no.. no.. its a long long story.. but thats really it.. the taste of blood, especially my own.. isnt.. isnt a pleasant taste.. or even.." he pauses and sighs. "Well.. i'll be fine. i just.. needa get myself somethin to drink.." he stops then decides to clarify. "most likely lemon water.." he kisses Rays cheek and heads to the kitchen, he still seems really out of it.
Ethan looks concerned. "Whats wrong with him..?" he didn't really believe Damiens story, although it was true.
((well uhhh. i can tell you some things on diiiscoorddd

Ethan laughs. "Helloooooo."
Tobias shrugs. "Dunno.."
Ethan and Mysterio sneak back into Rodrigos doom circus tent area-
Ethan and Mysterio, being the goofs they are, Ethan tries cross a tightrope or somethin, does so, Rodrigo watched it randomly, and well- Ethan joins the circus
it'd also be a horrible idea lmfao

"Of course Monsieur." Ethan grins, doing a lil mock bow.
"I love you too.." he smiles small.
((Ethan would then blatently explain that "hey that was fun i wanna do it again. i'll be more careful this time"
Tobias would freak out and imediately half drag both boys out of the tent and calmly explain that the two will not be able to hang out anywhere near this tent ever again- and if their caught- no in person visits for a *month*)

He laughs a bit and smiles. "Alright!"
Tobias giggles
((thats goood
im- im so.
im really stressed and angry-
The dogs chased my cat and tried to eat her
so i uh
got kinda pissed at screamed at them- no,, no words i just- screamed- at them- and i kinda feel bad about it.. but at the same time they tried to hurt my fur baby.. so..)

Ethan smiles. "heh.. i love you." hes very happy
Tobias grins.
Ditso- well. he's a mime/illusionist who can interact with his own illusions
Chester is- well. I dont remember what he does- but hes an intimidating man thing
Smokebreather? well. you can guess what they can do
Jessica is a trapeze artist- kind of)

Ethan smiles
Tobias kisses his cheek quickly while the Rodrigo is distracted
((omfg wait
Rodrigo: *stumbles upon poster for a freakshow* Compitition i see? Lemme check this out. see how stupid and safe this shit is
~arrives at madam miserys caravan train of misfits doing a preformance~
The preformance: *Very safe, but the participants/actors/employees aren't in the best condition*
Rodrigo: How dare.
I may be a crazy puppet man. but i'd take better care of my employees! Just because each show they'd risk their lives! so why not make it good! *sneaks into the employees carts/caravans* Yo. Join me. I have better food and i wont hurt or push you too far.
But i mean. you could die in the process.
Them: Ok.

Ethan kisses his cheek. "You deserve all the love.."
Tobias leans against him, happy.
(("Oh my god the poor actors"
that, thats a valid statement.
i dont know why i make horrible businesses, but its fun to do,,
Madam Miserys well- a very.. horrible person- i mean, shes super nice and all, but like,, when it comes to punishments? shes severe. very. very severe. like- uh. well. Whipping, burning, etc
Chester has his scars for a reason sadly.)

Ethan shrugs. "Dunno."
"I could take you out to an ice cream place and you two can have an ice cream date?" Tobias suggests, smiling.
Ditso nods slowly.
A woman walks out and huffs. "Hey! Your on in a few minutes! get out there!" her voice is slightly angry and directed at Ditso, who looks shocked and quickly runs off.

"Wonderful!" He smiles then smiles sheepishly. "if im being honest- i suggested it only cause i haven't had icecream in ages.." He laughs a bit. "Well. You wanna walk, drive, or teleport?" (cutely assumes the timezone is modern day)
"Who are you to tell me how to run my business? I treat them well. He was simply running late. I didn't hurt him did i? I just said 'hurry up. your on in a few minutes' Because i dont. like to disapoint." she seems angry.
Chester- Chester is watching, Visible from where Rodrigos standing, in a tank top and jeans, the scarring along the right side of his body very visible, although it does look super old so- uierhfi uhgf

Mysterio shrugs
Rodrigo is now angry cause he no like back talk "Listen here young lady. My family has been in the circus business for nearly 100 years now. And I infact was the one who had owned it the longest. And all of my employees are treated very well, seem fairly happy and on top of that people still go. You on the other hand seem to have a very short temper which I mind you is no way to act on the job."

"I see.. well uhhh.. hmm.. Lets walk."
Ethan grins. "perfect!"
Misery crosses her arms, very angry. "How'd you feel if some stranger came to YOUR business and started telling YOU how to do things? You'd be annoyed as well."
Chester huffs and walks over. "Ladies ladies. break it up. Quit arguing over whatever the hell it is your arguing about."
The seething look Misery gives him causes Chester to imediately appologize and quickly retreat back to the area he was before

Toby just leads them to a rather small little ice cream place and smiles small. "..i remember this place.. lots of memories.. met my first friend here." he pauses. "..lost.. them here.. too. uh.. well. whatever. You two can get any size, and any flavor you want."
Ethan grins. "Cool!"
"Fine. If you can manage to deal with them for a week, you can have them." Misery huffs.

Tobias leads them to the window. "Hey Greg!" He smiles at the man at the window, who looks confused, then gasps.
"TOBY!??" He laughs, quite happy.
Tobias laughs as well. "Yup. Well. I've just brought these two lil lovebirds to get some ice cream, we can catch up later." he smiles small. "If you'd like."
"Course i would!"
Misery rolls her eyes. "I'll go get them." she leaves and after half an hour returns with Chester, Ditso, jessica, and smokebreather. "There."

Greg goes into the building a bit and after awhile hands them their ice creams.
Ethan is quite pleased and leads Mysterio to a table to eat. "Whats up? Your awful quiet."
Tobias and greg just chat.
Ditso winces a bit.
Chester sighs. "Its best not to touch him.. he's got-" he pauses. "well. his bodys very very sensitive, in uh.. pain type way.."

"tis up to you"
Rodrigo leads them into a curcus tent,
There be some purple goth clown lady just pacing around being bored, there be a goth jester looking dude hanging with purple clown
and there be a brown haired dude with grey skin wearing a beige suit literally cuddling with a ****ing zombie lion

"Buuut your the hungry one- so your choice."
Chester looks around. "Oh. Cool."
Ditsos pretty- well. scared honestly.
Smokebreather, who i'll describe now, shes a rather short woman with ankle length red hair, a gasmask on with rips in it, and a grey sweater with a flannel shirt, oh wait. she's one the the "new characters" i showed you lol
Jess is still skeptical

The two clown people just leave
The man swipes the hat from the lion and shakes it out "So I see the old man hired some new performers eh?"
Rodrigo glares at the man "Diego I'm literally one year older than you now shut your trap before you loose your paycheck" Rodrigo adjusts his his tie and sighs "Yes, well I'm technically borrowing them"

Ethan finishes his icecream and looks over at the adults laughing and chatting. "Wow. You dad-mom looks very happy.. not as happy as he looks with your dad. but still."
Ditso sighs softly, that tiny lil 'glimpse' of his voice shows its quite raspy before words appear again 'Mix of comfort and necessity. mostly for the comfort of other people.'
"You could send Ka-" Chester pauses. "Smokebreather, to go get out things, she's strong enough to do so, she might have to make two trips but oh well. if shes up for it."
((adgggrrrr hihi gm hru??

Ethan sits next to Mysterio and leans against him.
Ditso looks slightly nervous then hugs himself loosely and nods.
Chester blinks. "Oh. Oh cool. Thanks. where will we be staying?" he grabs the two bags that belong to him-
Smokebreather only has one bag,
Jess has three
and Ditso-? well. there was only a small box
Comment removed

Ethan is also very happy.
Ditso sits in the corner, putting the box on his lap and silently removes the mask, the holes/tears in his face are very visible, and its uh- actually worse then what was up with Tobias, since, the 'parasite' is 'drilling' holes in the bone and muscle as well as the skin,,
They follow him

Ethan grins.
Ditso is quiet and sighs softly and the faint words appear 'it gets worse. everywhere' hes quiet.
Chester nods and looks around then the three pick out their carts and put their things away and only Chester walks out. "thanks for taking us." he murmurs. "I can promise you now.. most of us'll probably stay.."

Ethan is also very happy.
Ditso looks surprised then tilts his head in a 'really?' type way.
Chesters expression hardens slightly and he sighs. "Well. Yeah. I could tell you about life there if you'd like." he pauses. "I think the only one who'll go back is Jessica.. just cause so far she doesn't like any of you.. just cause she has an... issue. with [*cue air quotes with fingers*] 'weird people'" he chuckles softly

Ethan looks up as Tobias walks over.
"Hey you two! Ready to go back?"
Chester is quiet
Ditso exhales slowly and takes his glove off and holds out his slightly mangled hand in a sort of 'you can test it' kinda way i guess?
Hmmmmm,, it'd probably start out a friendship- so lets start with that and see where it goes.))

Ethan hugs him back.
Tobias smiles. "Awh." then gently grabs both kids hands and teleports home with em- cause im too lazy to make em walk lol
After this is done, all thats left of ditsos,, 'wounds' are slightly irritated little things, least on the outside- the uh. inner holes would be a lot harder to remove,, but the parasites dead so no worries, but he's not gonna be 100% fine for a long long time- but hes much better
Chester watches

"Well- alright-" He laughs awkwardly and walks over with Mysterio.
Ditso shrugs then looks over at the train car Chester walks out of and points at it and looks back at him in a 'wanna come with me?' way
Tobias is amused
((sorry i have to go to a stupid church thing and wont be back till after 8,, so this is goodnight ig,, goodnight mum ily

"I see.. well.. hmm.. I'll be here with you, if anyone tries to hurt you well- your dads are both here- and i can- well- hug you- i guess.." Ethan is quiet, realizing the fact he is completely powerless here- since he is literally a normal human child.
Ditso tilts his head and decides, why not approach the kids and gently takes Diego with him.
((rgrggg its fine,, i'll just- fail this trimester/marking period and do better next trimester/marking period,,)

"Being scared is fine. Its logical." Ethan states, attempting to slightly defend his mans. "but sometimes.. it is kinda silly.. but still its not bad to be scared."
Ditso smiles small and words appear on his(ditsos) hand. 'I know what being afraid of strange people is like, i've always been afraid of people..'
Tobias is quiet.

Ditso looks embarrassed and the words change to say 'I've always been able to, simple light refractions to create an.. illusion of sorts.. but whats even more mind blowing is this..' the words disappear after Mysterios done reading then, Ditso makes a small wooden box appear, words carved into reading 'step on me! :D' and he guestures for Mysterio to try.
Tobias is intruiged.

His foot doesn't make contact and goes right through the box.
Ditso's grin is just so giddy its adorable and lightly moves Mysterio back after then and steps onto the box, he- he actually- stands- on the box- which, should be confusing since uh. its an illusion.
Ethan looks confused. "Wait what?"
Tobias blinks a few times
he talks really quietly and asked a lot of questions i couldn't answer right,, it was- it was anxiety inducing

Ethan leads him to it. "Yay.." he just,, wanna spend time with his partner alone,, cause well- well the boi wants cuddles lmfao
Ditso coughs a bit then shrugs. "..kinda thirsty.. but ok... y-you?" his voice sounds a bit better, but still raspy
Tobias pulls away after a bit and hugs him again. "....i love youu.."

Ethan wraps his arms around him and nuzzles close.
"Aaaaaa nooo!" Damien gasps dramatically. "I suppose i must! i surrennndeeerrr!"
Ditso makes a softly lil noise of embarrassment/happiness
"Oookkk.." Tobias hugs him, hiding his face.
((oh my, well- i hope you feel better,, im-
im really hungry,, i didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning,,

Ethan yawns and opens his eyes slightly. "mm..?"
Ditso smiles then lets go.
Tobias chuckles
((I made another character last night
and my first thought was "omg he can join the circus too!" then i realized.. that would be an absolutely terrible idea. genuinely horrific.
I can tell you why if you want- and you can make a choice- but i just- personally think just based on his personality and such it'd be- not oki doki lmao

"mm.. hi.." Ethan smiles.
Damien smiles and returns the lil kiss
Ditso giggles softly.
Tobias looks confused. "Whats so funny?"
weird shadow demon man who doesnt have an actual physical form and doesn't feel emotions, period, he can fake them decently well,, and uh
he can have a physical form if someone "summons" him and presents him with a skull of any kind, if its an animal skull, sadly, he'll either be physically that animal or have said animals head, or even depending on the animals size, have the skull as some form of jewlery,,
Human skulls would be much preferred,,
he enjoys making little promises to people only to shatter their trust of others and just- ruin their lives.
hes just- well. i just wanted an actually evil character lmao))

"Mmhm. how about youu?"
Damien nods and sits up. "Well uhh.. hmm. how it goes it so. i'll ask you a question about your life, you answer the question, then i answer my own question too, and well- same thing when you ask one, i answer it then you do.. sound good?"
Ditso is very very happy
Tobias looks confused. "Whaaatttt??"
nice choice

Ethan also happ
"Awh.. thats.. thats really sweet.." he smiles small then looks embarrassed. "Well.. my.. happiest memory ever.. that- thats a pretty difficult choice.. meeting you was definitely one of my happiest.. but since you already know that.. hmm.. well. other then that it'd beeeee hm. probably the day Ethan had some magicalness happen to him and well- then i could hug him.. not for too long, but still, i can hug our son, so that made me quite happy."
Ditso looks slightly flustered then hides his face
Tobias looks a mix of angry and flustered. "Hey! Its not funny- that honestly scared me! what if you hadn't caught me- i know it wasnt too high but still!"
((hes a paranoid bb,
he may be cured of the parasite, but ptsd from falling down things and being in total agony jsut-
well yeh

Ethans also super happy.
Damien chuckles softly and smiles small. "Its just.. nice to be able to actually be there for him.. if he ever needs me." he leans against ray then smiles. "Well. your turn to ask a question."
Ditso uncovers his face a bit, hes trying not to smile
Tobias is momentarily still angry before he sighs and gently hugs him. "Its okk.. you where just trying to- i dunno.. but.. its ok i forgive you.."

Ethan smiles
Damien blinks and thinks for a bit. "Well. I'll start with 'liking' you first.. sooo.. hmmmm.. i've been the god of death for roughly.. oh who actually counts. all i know is- also im uh, sorry if this comment makes you.. sad.. but.. i've been the god of death since.. uh.. a few.... weeks maybe months before you.. well. died.. and since then i've been having to well.. kinda keep track of you, and the other undead beings in this universe, which i've failed to do A LOT... but uh. anyways.. the day we first met in person and started talking is around the time i started to really like you, in a friend type way, then as things progressed and i realized i could,, well,, actually physically touch you without hurting you.. my feelings started to.. grow i suppose.. until i just- loved you too much to ever leave you alone. i dont have an exact date.. but its just a rough guess." he smiles sheepishly.
Disto stifles a little giggle and shrugs
Tobias huffs and kisses Rodrigos cheek. "hey.. quit bein-

Ethan is very very happy.
Damien laughs. "Well. My favorite thing about you has to be your sense of humor." He teases, laughing softly. "But seriously, your very fabulous. and me?" he pauses. "Huh. Well uh.. hm. I might actually have to think about that." he chuckles softly.
Ditso looks around. "Where'd your lion go-?"
Tobias lets his head rest against Rodrigos chest/stomach and just hugs him around the waistish.

Ethan kisses his cheek.
Damien blinks then laughs softly, embarrassed. "Not at all why im struggling, but thank you darling." he puts his hans over Rays. "Hm... but.. i guess if i haaaad to choice something about myself i like.. it'd probably have to be well. hm.. my ability to not get angry too easily?"
Ditso nods. "Whats their name?"
Tobias hugs onto him, quiet

"Alright then. Hmmm my question for you would have to bbbeeee.. Whats your least favorite thing about me? or even- well. maybe and but also or if you dont wanna say, but i'd like to know, but whats your least favorite thing about me, and what do you hate- either in general or about me-"
Ditso smiles and then leans against Diego. "Your sweet too.."
Tobias pulls away after a bit. "heh.."

Ethans smiling
Damien holds onto him pretty tightly. "..maybe someone else could tell you..?" he mumbles mostly to himself
Ditso smiles a bit.
Tobias is happy
((The strange shadow man is the reason the nightmare house functions the way it does- hes- hes the reason Dracos lost his mind- well. mostly lost it-

Ethan is a happy boi
Damien sits up and rumages through a drawer before pulling something out and all of a sudden some guy appears, hes very tall with greyish blonde hair, brown eyes and tanish skin, he's wearing just a regular t-shirt and jeans. "Hey Da-" he pauses, noticing ray. "Huh. new friend? whos this."
Ditso is very happy as well, since he enjoys Diegos company. "This place is huge-" he exclaims, smiling
Tobias just sleeps.

Ethans also happy then pauses. "My parents havent texted me yet. so they must've found the note, which is good."
Daniel crosses his arms. "So. Tell me the truth Mr.Ray." he closes the door. "How've you been treating my friend. He left rather quickly, either he's scared of what you'll say to me, or how i'll react to something. or hes still scared of me.." he trails off, pondering that last sentence
Ditso is very happu

Ethan stands up and wobbles a bit. "Aaaa my legs are asleeeppp"
"I've hurt him before. in more ways then one.. I regret it all now, but theres a reason he's scared of me. I'd love to make it up to him. but i know i'll never be able to, if i tried to hug him or any of that, he'd probably scream, or even just pass out, hes a bit.. dramatic sometimes.. but im just telling you this so you know.. i will hurt you if you hurt him. He may be scared of me, and we may not be together. but i care about him. deeply. So you better treat him right."
"Oh no- im sorry-"

Ethan holds onto him. "..thank you." he smiles sheepishly.
Daniel huffs. "Do you need me to list my *cue air quotes* 'crimes' against him? Because if thats nessicary i will. But just know i'll never touch him again, in any way shape or form."
Damien is hesitantly standing outside the closed door, listening quietly.
"you sure-????"

Daniels expression hardens slightly. "You could try. but i will be keeping that promise. not for my sake, but for his. And now you. You better not hurt him. Never. I swear to god. you may not think you could ever do it. but sometimes it just happens. he's fragile. remember that. he may act tough sometimes. and even be the better person, but the wrong move from someone he loves could break him.."
Damien sniffles faintly then quickly walks away from the door to the living room and just stirs his coffee, hoping the two dont fight or anything

Ray is so close to completely going off on this man "oh please. The only ways he'd actually get hurt with me around is if I smothered him to death or some dick head decided to kill him. And besides. I am not that kind of person, I'd never hurt him and if i did I'd probably throw myself off a 10 story tall building."
Diego hugs him

"Uhhh you wanna head down or no?"
Damien laughs raggedly. "..no.. i dont think he does.. and i could never forgive him for what he did.. and all he told you about what our relationship was like. was that he... hurt. me.." there seems to be an odd mix of anger and resentment in Damiens voice now
Ditso smiles

Ethan hugs him back
Damien smiles. "I'm not trying to be.. im being serious.. if your serious that i deserve the best.. then your the best and all i'll ever need.."
Ditso looks embarrassed and smiles shyly.
((I want to do something ridiculously stupid with one of my characters, but i realize now, that if i did, i wouldn't be able to undo it-)

Ethan kisses back.
"Oh. You don't know her.. forgot bout that part. well uhhhh.. sheeeees.. my.... dauughter." Damien smiles awkwardly.
Ditso giggles a bit and hides his face.
((yeaaah,, i mean,, actually,, no,, if ebony hadn't become a better person and was still who he used to be- he'd totally deserve death,, but now? well i mean,, getting his ass kicked is totally deserving. lmfao
its horrible,, but true

Ethan squeaks. "Aaaaaaa- yes. am yours. and your mine!" he clings to him.
Damien nods slowly. "yeah.. i uh.. didn't know how you would've reacted,, and well.. i uh.. just.. didn't know how you'd feel.. living with someone with uh.. two.. kids." he smiles nervously.
Ditso is happily embarrassed.
((mmmm actually nnooo,, but aight.
and uh
goodnight mum ily

Ethan hugs him tight.
"Hm.. in a f-"
The doorbell rings over and over.
Damien facepalms and laughs. "Theeeere she is." and he gets up and heads to the door, opening it.
A rather tall woman with waist length long black hair and a raven feather cloak is at the door and yanks Damien into a tight hug. "dad!!"
Ditso smiles small. "Well.. i've been caught- what ever shall i do."

Ethans also quiet.
Fae nods. "Good!" she pauses and glances toward the kitchen. "..id say he's taking way too long but.. i did just- bring him up.. so.. it might be a while longer.. he's a bit- iffy- around even just hearing the name Daniel. I think you already know what happened with him. right? but its not my place to tell you if you haven't."

Ethan smiles and kisses his cheek.
Damien nods. "Oh. alright." he takes a sip from the mug, sighing softly. "Well.. uh.."
Fae thinks for a bit. "Well.. what're thinks like with yknow what... in the basement?"
Damien rubs his own arm. "Shes- still down there."
"I'm anything but an angel-"
((uyrfh iuhrifsud

Ethan is very very happy.
Damien sighs and silently drinks his- well drink- then sets the mug on the table and cuddles up to Ray, hugging himself.
Fae looks sympathetic, then glances at the clock. "ah geez.. i should get going... Henry wants me to be home for dinner." and she kisses her dads forehead and leaves the house.
"NOoOuuuuuuuu. what makes me an angelll."

Ethan quietly takes a small step forward annnnnd falls.
Ditso, shocked by that, quickly tries to grab him, ends up uh, accidentally yanking Ethans arm outta place due to uh. well. gravity + sudden grab onto arm = yOINK.
but he has been caught. and he may or may not have screamed- well. mostly may.
Damien is very happy

Ethan cuddles close to the ghostie boi
Ditso looks nervous. “..I’m.. im sorry to bother you sirs.. but there’s been a... small.. accident in the main tent.. with one of the boys..”
Tobias looks worried. “Oh no...”
Damiens super happy
((Blah blah blah
I hope yousa feels better too <33 no Hetero sonther love)

Ethan tenses the quietly sits up. “M-mmhm.. I just- fell.. Mister uh.. Ditso caught me.. but he caught me weird and I dislocated my arm.. I’m ok now though..” he notices Mysterios fear. “..don’t blame Mysterio for this- it was my stupid idea to climb onto the tightrope area..”
Ditso seems- honestly ashamed that he unintentionally hurt the kiddo.
Tobias speed walks over to them and gently helps the two up and looks the both over. “God you two better be ok!!” Momentary pause. “Oh good.. everything seems fine... as far as I know..”
Damien sits up a bit. “Bleh.. what now?”

Ethan looks sad now. “Awh.. do I have tooo?...”
Tobias nods. “Especially after this.. I’ll bring you home if you’d like.”
(Cutely remembers neither sets of parents know their child’s partners parents.)
Ditso feels 10x worse and closes the door and locks it and just, buries his face in a pillow and cries silently.
Damien holds onto him, happi

They get there eventually and Ethan opens the door. “Daaaad!! Mr.Dammiiieeeen!I’m hooommmeee!! I’ve brought someone to meet you! And Mysterio.”
Tobias waits with Mysterio.
Ditso gets up. “Francis really wanted us to hang out again..” he murmurs, smiling a bit but it’s not visible cause mask.
Damien groans and gets up. “Rrrrr we can cuddle later.. We’re coming Ethan!”

Tobias waves slowly. “Uh... so.. you two.. are Ethans parents.. and me and Rodrigo.. are Mysterios parents.. this.. this is uh. Odd.”
Ethans confused. “You guys know eachother.” He then shrugs and leads Mysterio inside. “I have something for you Cmon.”
Ditso sighs. “Oh. Just habit I guess.” He seems slightly embarrassed.

Tobias thinks for a bit. "well.. they do love eachother." he pauses then waves a hand. "More importent though.. your son had a little uh. accident while he was at our place.. he slipped off some... equipment.. and one of the preformers caught him a bit.. wrong. and ended up dislocating his arm, its in place now and he's alright. but i just want you to know."
Ethan walks to the closet and searches for something.
Ditsos face is a bit red from crying,,

Tobias winces the tiniest bit. "Mmhm. I promise you he's alright now. He might be a little sore for awhile.. but he's lucky it wasn't worse considering Rodrigos..." he trails off then exhales slowly. "Definition of a safety net.."
Ethan pulls out a box and walks back over and hands it to Mysterio. "Here!" he beams.
Ditso sighs softly. "Well. i uhm.." he just hugs him, hiding his face

Ethan puts an arm around the ghostie, knowing he scared. "Oh. I was just giving Mysterio the present i made him." he then leans over and whispers in Mysterios ear. "dont worry, hes a big goofball. he may look kinda scary.. but he'd never hurt anyone. Unless they hurt me or Mr. Damien.."
Damien and the Toby chat a bit.
Ditso smiles, embarrased.
Comment removed

Ethan kisses his cheek.
Ditso smiles.
Tobias's smile becomes slightly sad. "No.. you two remember that whole.." he trails off, his smile gone now. "..house.. incident.. he- he was genuinely heartbroken about your death Ray.. i.. i dont think if he hated you.. he'd be that sad about it.. besides, your his son."

“You idiot.” Tobias lovingly scolds the puppet man. “Your going right to bed. I can help any of the.. well. Just tell me what else needs to be done and I’ll do it! Don’t even try to say no Mister!” He then marches/walks Rodrigo back to the train car. “But on a side note. Your son, Ray is one of Ethans dads.”
Ditso kisses his cheek again
Damien is quite happy

Tobias chuckles. “Did you not hear my last sentence? Ray. Raymondo. Your biological son. Is Ethans father, Ethan, our sons boyfriend.” He sits Rodrigo on the bench/bed in their train car. “Or where you fine with it.”
Ditso is very happy, very much so. “..well. Now what?..”
Damien gets up. “Hmhmhmmmmm.”

“Well. Ethans also adopted. But not legally. So there’s nothing actually wrong with it. Besides. Who are we of all people to tell him who he can and can’t love? Even if they’re slightly related by parentage.” Tobias sits next to Rodrigo. “Me ray and Damien are in agreement about this.. it’s all fine if we don’t legally adopt the kids. Then it’ll be incest. Which we can’t promote.. least not really.”

Tobias huffs and holds onto him. “.. I worry just the right amount considering the shenanigans the people I love get up to.”
Ditso smiles wide and sits up, patting the cushion next to him.
Ethan nods, then when his phone buzzes he quickly grabs it and looks relieved and quickly texts back ‘oh good. I’m so glad you ok!’
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