Maybe a new series (comments)


22.09.2017 07:42
LinkOk so you can join if you make one of my species and tell me your role say I'd you wanted to be someones sister of brother or mum/dad or if you want to be the leader (my character spitfire is warrior)
You can also be a healer and they all have fire powers the coulor of the fire depends on your eye middle look on my last anim to see an example of one of them oh yeah and your eyes have to be 2 different coulors

22.09.2017 15:59
LinkUhh ok
is it gonna be like warrior cats where theres clans and warriors an medicine spiritia?

22.09.2017 16:00
Linkoh wait theres healers ok. but is there clans?

22.09.2017 20:32
LinkYes here they are
Night: are really good at fighting in the night and have a keen eye for predators in the dark
Tree:has great skill at hiding in trees and have a keen eye when in a tree
Assassin: very sneaky they're fur can blend in with any background but they're eyes can be seen unless shut
Magic: they are very good healers and can easily fool people by charm
So yeah as you can see they all have advantages but you can be a loner (I am ) sooo yeah but if your a loner you can join a clan if they alow you to