Rainbow Luck with Pot of Gold!
Cinnamon challenge
volleyball idiot
Adventure Time version of me:
25.02.2021 18:21
25.02.2021 18:26
LinkListen here boo. i'm sick of your nonsense.
Stop guilt tripping everyone. stop being toxic. and stop whining like a ****ing 2 year old fetus because life isn't going your way. No one believes your lies you manipulative little toxic waste barrel, no one believes your sob stories and no ones gonna trust you after what you did. go make your little gacha memes with me and the homies being just so mean to you and how you are the victim in every situation. listen here darlin, you aren't, the world doesn't revolve around you so stop acting like it does. You cant beg for pity because a teenage boy was mean to you because you started being really disgusting. Stop begging for pity and realize that you did this to yourself, this could have all been avoided if you actually were a decent human being instead of trying to lie your way out of everything. also if you're gonna manipulate people do it right. this is just pathetic
25.02.2021 18:50
Linkalso dont attack this person lmao, even though they are stinky attacking is nono
but i know most of you are mature enough to know that
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