

08.11.2020 04:19

08.11.2020 04:19
LinkWait one sec

08.11.2020 04:19
LinkOh geez you're fast

08.11.2020 04:22
LinkYou all are fast

08.11.2020 04:26

08.11.2020 04:30
LinkWho would you like me to use? I can't choose lol. Lakestone, or Koi?

08.11.2020 04:32

08.11.2020 04:34
LinkOk, would you like to start? Also your oc is cool!

08.11.2020 04:35
LinkThanks and i gotta get my charger so you can start of so when i get back we have the rp started

08.11.2020 04:37

08.11.2020 04:40
LinkKoi watched as Riverclan cats caught fish and swam gracefully. She held back her sadness. Riverclan was her dream place, but would they accept a rouge? Let alone one who hasn't left their kitty pet roots? She decided to slip into the lake and catch herself some prey. Maybe someday...
Comment removed

08.11.2020 04:43
LinkMintfrost: Haha! I beat you to it Streamheart- *she stopped, pricking up her ears. What was that in a fish in the water? She shook her head and told herself it was to big, but there it was again. No it was to big to be a fish. As she took a paw step closer she heard some one*
Streamheart: Mintfrost! Are you coming? Were heading back.

08.11.2020 04:47
LinkKoi had spotted an otter and chased after, but it managed to out
Swim her. She sighed. Now I'm cold and hungry. I hope no one noticed I'm here. She clibmed back up on the island settling down on her nest. Slowly closing her eyes, she fell asleep.

08.11.2020 05:00
LinkMintfur: *She narrowed her eyes. The hill across the river had a strange dot on it.*
Mintfur: Hey Dawnfur, Streamheart, Owlscreech, do you see that?
Owlscreech: If you keep getting distracted by the smallest things, were never gonna make it home.
Dawnfur: Owlscreech be kind. She is only being a loyal Riverclan warrior.
Streamheart: 8A few fox-lengths ahead* Are you coming? By the time we get to camp it will be next full moon!
O.S, D.F, and M.F: Were coming!

08.11.2020 05:00
Link(O.S=Owlscreech, D.F=Dawnfur, M.F=Mintfur.)

08.11.2020 05:04
LinkKoi woke up startled. She knew she her voices. She scrambled up onto her paws. Hmm maybe she should ask them... She started creeping towards the group of cats. Spotting a koi fish she caught the fish and held it proudly in her mouth. You know what? She thought. I'm going to follow them and offer this fish. And so she went on following the four cats.

08.11.2020 05:13
LinkMintfur: *heres the crack of a branch* Did you hear that?
Mintfur: Im not being 'paranoid', I'm doing my job as a warrior, and right now I can feel someone watching us!
Dawnfur: Fine, go check it out.
Mintfur: Finally

08.11.2020 05:17
LinkKoiheart panicked -uh uh um- she struggled to think and leapt out of her cover bumping into Mintfur

08.11.2020 05:20
LinkMintfur: WHAT THE- *she takes a pace back and unsheathes her claws. She raises her paw and a deep growl starts rising.*
Mintfur: This is Riverclan territorie, rouge. Get out or you'll find a half shredded ear before you can say "Mouse".

08.11.2020 05:27
LinkKoi Talks with her mouth full. Then she drops the koi fish after realisingit was in her mouth. "Here, you can have it. As long as I can come with you guys." Taking a step back she ruffled her fur "I'm not here for a fight, I just wanna see your leader. And I'm surprised you didn't think I was a lost kitty pet." She chuckled at her last words. And Unsheathed her claws just in case.

08.11.2020 05:30
LinkMintfur: *YOWL*
The patrol: *comes running in*
Streamheart: INTRUDER!
Dawnfur: Grrrrrr
Mintfur: I just called for back up, guys. She's with me. She wants to see Spottedstar, apparently.

08.11.2020 05:33
Link"Huh? You'll take me? Deal what a change of heart hehehe, I think you'll like the koi fish too. They're really yummy.But, do your friends agree to take me? Koi looked at owlscreech. "and I'm no kitty" she added

09.11.2020 00:04
LinkOwlscreech: Grrr... fine its ok with me.
Streamheart: Ya she is ok. Its not like she can take a clan, if she attacked any way.
*They all look at Dawnfur*
Mintfur: Your the clan deputy. Do you approve?
Dawnfur: *Hesitates* Yes its fine. Come on, lets go.

09.11.2020 00:07
LinkKoi hesitates, "I mean I wouldn't want to try and hurt your clan in anyway but... so you're the clan deputy?" She slowly pads up to dawnfur.

09.11.2020 00:11
LinkDawnfur: *looks down at paws* Well, ya I am, but she... *flicks her tail to Mintfur* She is the one you wanna talk to if you wanna get to know Spottedstar.

09.11.2020 00:15
Link"Huh really?" She challenged. "Ya sure? Arnt deputies supposed to know the leader best?" She laughed. "Unless.." She looks at mintfur shocked. "Are you Spottedstar's kit?" I mean ya your an warrior now but you know what I mean. Right?" She glances back at dawnfur then back to mintfur.

09.11.2020 00:23
LinkMintfur: Yes, yes I am.
Streamheart: *Rolls eyes*
Mintfur: Streamheart is to! But its just...
Streamheart: *grumbles* You know he never did love me...
Mintfur: OK! We better get back to camp if we want to be there before dawn! *Gives a uncertain and guilty look at Streamheart and shoots off at a brisk, kinda-hurried pace back to camp.*

09.11.2020 00:33
Link"I'm sorry, but yes we should." She trailed behind the group and talked with lots of confidence. Her eyes sparkling. "Just like I dreamed..." She murmerd.

09.11.2020 00:35
LinkWalked not talked

09.11.2020 00:36
Link*At camp*

09.11.2020 00:36
Linkwait one sec

09.11.2020 00:43
Link(K I got a drawing of Spottedstar)

09.11.2020 00:46
LinkI like! ^w^

09.11.2020 00:47
LinkMintfur: Spottedstar!
*Spottedstar comes out of his den with his mate Morningdapple. The den is under a jagged arch of stone also used as the high rock, and brambles and bushes surrounding it. There is also moss and soft flowers for bedding.*
Spottedstar: *sees koi and stiffens*

09.11.2020 00:47
LinkKoi shifted her paws nevous in case the leader would refuse to listen. She shook her head and cleared away her thoughts.

09.11.2020 00:49
LinkShe notices Spootedstar stiffen and sighs. Waiting for him to say something she sits down.

09.11.2020 00:52
Link(Spootedstar!? XD Imao)
Spottedstar: Who is this?
Mintfur: *clears throat* well-
Dawnfur: We found her by the river. *she paws the plump koi fish up to Spottedstar's paws.* She brought this. She wanted to see you. Her name's Koi.

09.11.2020 00:53
Link(I can't spell today lol.)

09.11.2020 00:54
Link(its ok lol)

09.11.2020 00:56
LinkKoi stiifens. "Um well the reason i wish to see was because.." her whiskers are quivering, she can't believe she's even here! " I know how to swim and fish. I watch your clan and I'm lonely. I like the wild and that's why I left..." She trailed off before saying - Her twoleg place- "What I'm saying is that I want to join your clan if I could." Taking a huge deep breath she smiled hopefully. And stood back up.

09.11.2020 01:29
LinkMintfur: Come on! Let her in!
Spottedstar: Grrr... fine. You can stay. How old are you?

09.11.2020 01:31
LinkKoi could hardly hold her excitement in, "I'm 8 moons spottedstar!"

09.11.2020 01:36
LinkSpottedstar: 8 moons, huh? Ok then. You'll have a mentor to just show you around the camp and teach you the ways of a Riverclan warrior. You'll need to learn the borders, the way around the territories, Starclan...

09.11.2020 01:36
LinkBut from the looks of it you are already a good hunter. *He looks down approvingly at the plump fish.*

09.11.2020 01:39
Link"Thanks, and please I know of your borders and I believe in starclan, haha. But do tell who will be my mentor? She tilted her head at him.

09.11.2020 01:43
LinkSpottedstar: *Eye's widen* You already know about... *His eyes narrow and he looks at the patrol*
Mintfrost. You are the most trusting warrior I have. Your also the one who found her, correct?
Mintfrost: Correct
Spottedstar: You will be Koi's mentor. I trust you to teach her the ways of a warrior until her warrior name. Koi *He turns to her* You will be known as Koipaw until your warrior name.

09.11.2020 01:44
LinkMintfur: I- well-
*everyone has gathered around now. They look at her, questionably.*
Im honored. *she said at last*
Comment removed

09.11.2020 01:46
Link(also do you wanna join this contest? My friend made it and she is new to F.A. I made her join on a call.)

09.11.2020 01:47
LinkMintfur: *Licks forhead*

09.11.2020 01:47
LinkKoipaw looked up her new leader, and nodded. Turning to face mintfur she stepped forward and looked up to her. Her tail twitching excitedly

09.11.2020 01:49
Link(Touches nose with nose)

09.11.2020 01:50
Link*as she licked she suddenly felt like air and her vision went black. She saw what looked like... a much younger koi in a house with other cats, and then a fence with ginger, gray, and white tufts of hair. The leap of a cat and the scales of a fish and there she was, Koi, right before she had met Mintfur*
Mintfur opend her eyes but nothing was different. She realized, it had only been a heartbeat, yet she had seen a vision. She looked down at Koi.
Mintfur: *thinking* This cat... this cat is different.

09.11.2020 01:55
LinkKoipaw stood there watching her mentor for a bit (she seems to of seen something... but what?) Then she took a step back and meowed. "What shall we do now, Mintfur?"

09.11.2020 02:02
LinkMintfur: What? Oh- uh- *thinks* take the koi fish to the nursery. Mistlake gave birth to 3 kits last week- Stormkit, CloudKit, and.. uh... Sunlit, ya. Do that while I... *she looks at the camp entrance* do that and meet me by the.... grrr.... the big willow tree, south to the wind clan border.

09.11.2020 02:02

09.11.2020 02:04
Link"ahh yes the willow tree, it's the most beautiful tree here. Ok! Um where's the nursery? I've never been to camp only on yo- our territory." She tilted her head, her eyes closing slightly.

09.11.2020 02:07
LinkMintfur: Over there. There are feathers woven into the branches of the roof and along the edges are sparkling rocks and shells from the river. *she points her tail to it*

09.11.2020 02:12
Link"Oh thank you!" Picking up the koi fish shepherded over to the nursery calling out "Mistlake?" Which came out more like "Miostake?"

09.11.2020 02:32
LinkAs Mintfrost hurried away, she caught a glimpse of Mistlake, the pretty Turtle shell with white paws and underbelly, coming out with the golden she-cat (sunkit) tumbling after her, but it was quickly lost among the ferns as Mintfrost ran through the forest.

09.11.2020 02:37
LinkPadding up to a turttleshell cat she dropped her prey, "Are you Mistlake?" Taking a step back she breathed *she's pretty, but wait I only see 2 of her kits! Where's the 3rd?* she looked at the she cat worridly "Are all 3 of your kits here? Or am I just blind?"

09.11.2020 02:46
LinkI thought Stormkit was just at the nest. Oh I hope he hasn't gone some where alone! He's to young and still weak from the- *she gulped* never mind lets just get a move on.

09.11.2020 02:54
Link"Okay!" She poked her head out of the nursery. In the distance she saw a golden dot in the ferns. "Is that her? Over by those ferns?" She called out behind her. Pointing her tail to forest.

09.11.2020 03:40
LinkI- I think so...

09.11.2020 03:42
Link"Well um okay, let's go!" She started to run towards the forest

09.11.2020 03:44
Link*suddenly a paw stepped out from behind the trees and...*
Minter's eyes widen in surprise, and the gold and gray kit in her jaws sneaked in surprise

09.11.2020 03:46
LinkMintfur: I- uh-

09.11.2020 03:49
LinkKoi froze "I uh, uh wh-hat do we do?"

09.11.2020 03:53
LinkMintfur: I... I don't know! *she put the kit down* don't tell anyone *she suddenly heard pawsteps and realized that Mistlake was coming. She turnaround, and with a final glance back;* Please, meet me by the Willow Tree later.
We need to talk.
*she runs of into the trees, and at the same time, Mistlake comes in*

09.11.2020 03:56
Link"Uhh ya um okay..." She turns around "hey mistlake um, found your kit. She's okay, and uh um. By the way. The fish I brought was for you uh. I think ima go to find my mentor I dunno." She stammered. And sat down next to the kit.

09.11.2020 04:00
(u go first)

09.11.2020 04:04
Link"MINTFUUUUUUR! Where are ya? I'm here!" She padded over closer to the willow Tree and sat down, her body tense in case of a surprise attack.

09.11.2020 04:15
LinkOh gtg

09.11.2020 04:21
Linkoh k

09.11.2020 04:23
LinkI'm back

10.11.2020 03:12
Link:p Im back 2

11.11.2020 17:50
LinkOk it's ur turn

12.11.2020 02:10

Lemme know who you want me to play as - Koi - earns warrior name Koi heart at some point. She's a kitty pet who becomes a rouge.
She's about 8 moons and likes fish. She's pretty skilled at swimming but isn't the best at fighting.

Could I use this guy? Ev shadowclan warrior
And Koi?
She could be wandering around the carrier or smth-

Koi watched as a huge Tom walked into the stream. Great.. And I'm losing my breath.. guess I gotta make my presence know... She thought grimly. She didn't really like shadowclan, but hey she had no choice. Swimming up the surface she shook her pelt, making the bell of her collar shake too, but it made no noise.
"Hi, hope you don't mind me here."

He tightened his jaw for a moment and watched her. Quite impressed with her confidence. His whispered twitched and he glanced off. "Fine. You can come just- don't do anything stupid. My clan Dosnt trust me already." They didn't trust him for multiple reasons actually. He wasn't born in the clan, he was born a rogue and abandon by his mother as a kit. Then found by a nearby patrol. And as an apprentice he had woken up tire and sore, covered in wounds after training in the dark forest.

"Ugh fine if you have to tell them that I'm some KiTtyPet then do so.. And I'll be the judge to whether or not some of your cats are bad or not!" She hissed bitterly. Sighing to calm her nerves and act all "Soft and lost" she started to get in character. " W-what is this place, it looks so hard to live in!" She pretended to looked worried.

Barkfang bounded out of Tue den and to a large rock with a hole in the middle. He popped his head in then made his way back over. From inside the den, a long slick black she followed him. In the middle of her forehead with a bright white star that seemed to glow compared to her dark fur. Her sky blue eyes rested on Koi as she made her way over.
The tom went to the back of the den and could be heard brushing through leaves

She got up to her paws slowly and turned around and got nose to nose with the leader.
"Okay this is tiring... Hi nice to meet you I'm koi the Rouge and I'm injured and I need to heal and I.. I kinda threatened this cat over here, Barkfang that uh you know what it doesn't matter right now. The deal is I'm sure you wouldn't want a injured cat on your territory close to being dead. So I came to get healed. Okay yah I lied to be a KiTty pet but who cares."

"There it is again! You truly are a mouse-brain! I'm not a kittypet! I said so! And like 99% of kiitypets wouldn't even be as wild as me!" She hissed loudly. "Guess I'm stuck with some dumb Cats that I hate anyways" she muttered under her breath. Clawing the ground she cried in pain "When's one-eye coming back?!"

"Ahhh thank you, sorry about my temper it's just.. I'd rather not say." She winced. "Lemme guess cobwebs to stop the bleeding and... goldenrod is to stop infection or pain... I dunno." She peered at oneeye, then looked at Barkfang. "Alright I guess I ain't being fair. Being rude when you guys are just tryna help me."