Sorry Guys...


21.12.2020 06:41
LinkLMT pls....

21.12.2020 06:42
LinkSo, the internet is a dangerous place - it's a fact.
But I'm not talking abt hackers.
People can also be dangerous, and I've come to know that online.

21.12.2020 06:43
LinkI'm rlly sad to leave, I don't want to, but I have to...
I might come back, but I may not too so this is probably the last you'll see of VanillaEclipse
I always knew I would leave when school started but I didn't realise it would be so soon...

21.12.2020 06:44
LinkI rlly wanna keep in touch with some of y'all, you all have been such great friends to me!
So I'd like to thank everyone who has been with me and supported me since I joined.
Thank you for being such amazing friends to me, I'll miss you all A LOT!

21.12.2020 06:48
LinkAnd THANK YOU for 338 followers, I never thought I'd ever reach that much!
Aww man, I'm so sad rn :'(

21.12.2020 06:50
LinkI'll stick around for a day or two and then close this website for who knows how long

21.12.2020 09:01

21.12.2020 10:38
I have to...

I’m bawling right now... I will miss you and I will avenge you! I promise! I will try my hardest to make flipanim a safe environment...

Think of me as a shoulder for you to cry on, a friend to vent to, and family for me to always be here for you. You inspired me a lot and I PROMISE, next time you log on, this place will be ready for you to feel safe in. I will be the good voices in your head to kick back negative thoughts, merry Christmas Vanilla... And promise me 2 things. Only two.

Aw man, I didn't get to Know you very well, but it was a pleasure knowing you for the short time that I did.
Good luck on your journey, VanillaEclipse :(

oh no, we'll all miss you very much, Vanilla :(
i just need to ask because my sister wants to know: will your contest still be going? i understand if it won't be but my sister would like to know
please stay safe <3
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No,,, bro we'll miss you SO much! Thank you for being such an amazing, kind person to me. It means the world that I got to be your friend. please take good care of yourself, I luv you :'(

Well, hope this isn’t a prank and stay safe
Although we can still talk on Hangout’s! :D
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I'll miss you so much, but I understand why you're doing what you're doing... Hope you take the most from all this time off Flipanim, Goodbye, V :'(

Idk what to do or say.
I will miss you!
I hope i meet u again someday irl...(cuz they say the world is small)
Take care of yourself.
Happy birthday, happy new year, and happy all other festivals in advance.
U are wonderful, may u achieve all your dreams!

Oh no, I’m so sorry...
We’ll keep in touch and it’s hard to know you’re leaving :’(
A great artist leaving....
We’ll all miss you!

I understand and I support ur decision
Ur art is beautiful
It's shocking to hear this news
We'll miss you
Bye 👋🏻

Hey Im most likely late-
Even tho we aren't close and I just met you, I wish you a good time in life :)
Remember to stay safe

Aw, goodbye :( You were a great friend! I hope you can continue making your awesome art somewhere else :)

You’ll prob never see this but
I hope that you had a great Christmas
Stay safe! You were a great friend