21.06.2020 20:24
21.06.2020 20:27
LinkOkay, it's being overrated
So many people have made anims called 'I'm overrated' or smh like that. I'm my opinion, they are just pretending to fell sorry for theirselves to make other people say good things about them. I know what you're going to say. Ooohh but I am!!! Go ahead and comment. I'm not stopping you. But thats the point of saying bad things about urself, to get people say good things about you to make you feel confident.
21.06.2020 20:30
Linkyes, I have made an anim about me being overrated but that was ages ago
also no commenting on this chain
For real tho- if you want people to say good stuff about your art
p r a c t i c e
so people will have something to compliment.
My rant is art. Art is now currently more prized than animations, I hate it when people's entire folder is just drawings. I'm more into something that m o v e s...
Oh, yea. I get your rant too Stickanimate: those people are annoying huh.