Don't Move.. ( unfinished)
🌱*A thorny Tree Monster*
guys i want you to know somthn
12.10.2022 01:10
Link@pink-mess helped me during the process of my bloodloss and panic,
they told me what to do in steps and to sit down so i could feel better :) like i don't know what i would have done without them i probably would hve fainted because i started seeing colors and they helped me get back to where i was rn like you gotta understand having someone like this as a friend, give them respect and love that's all they need ok? they are just very cool and amazing.
also i have a callout on someone...ME because i'm a dumbass i didn't thank them when i should hve i only thanked my sister and it stabbed them right in the back. and like pink-mess said it was a B) move and i apologize. i understand if you hate me now i ust want you to know. ty for helping me ok? ur the best friend anyone could have asked for
I'm back online and I wanted to let you know its ok your a good person I just get dramatic over things like 24/7 and I get upset over little things you dont need to feel like shit because of me I always let my feelings show and express myself to much
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