at the bar
Dj Cookie
pt 2
~Star Gazing~
Colourblind-shortest film ever
fantastic distraction
how to get a feature
Something gross you didn't no
28.12.2017 23:56
LinkWhen male animals hump each other, it isn't that they're gay, it's a sign of disrespect like the middle finger.
I'm animal cultur females are less important then males and are usally treated like trash, so when a male humps another male, it means you are a female to me
28.12.2017 23:57
LinkSorry, people keep useing that as a defense for gay stuff, WHEN THEY GOT THE FACTS WRONG. I anoint hating on gays, I'm just saying, that's a poor defense.
29.12.2017 01:06
LinkThe more you know... the more you know.