Vent here wit meeeee
03.03.2021 18:30
Linkhey are you okay?
03.03.2021 18:42
Apollo is leaving the relation ship with their EX because they misunderstood and all that so now im sadddddddddd
03.03.2021 23:22
03.03.2021 23:24
LinkLike Their Ex was rude to all of us and Left Apollo because they were not her type and she didn't think she was gay anymore or want to be gay anymore. So she left Apollo alone and broken. I had to keep them alive and now Apollo is going back.I want Apollo to be happy, but why do I wanna be selfish and keep them to myself and the rest of the people in our relation ship. I hate myself for it. Apparently the only reason Apollo and I had a close moment was because she was stressed. I don't mind helping out, but I felt like it was real. I always get my hopes up. Don't confront them either. I want them to be happy and I feel like if they find out I will shatter them-
03.03.2021 23:26
LinkThey say they are going to give their Ex another chance and if it doesn't work out they are coming back to me. And I hope it works out between them because Apollo was happy, but I think its best if I just stay quiet because I told them I was excited for them and that I hope that it works out. So i don't want them to think I lied. Because what I said was true.
03.03.2021 23:27
LinkI think you should tell apollo how you feel, that's mm that's painful, Im so sorry
03.03.2021 23:28
LinkThey told me 2nd hour today, so ive been trying not to cry or be to clingy or say I love you because yeeeee I want them to want to be with their Ex and I want it to be something that works out, but im scared that they will get hurt again-
03.03.2021 23:29
LinkBut they were so happy that I understood. Besides, they were always were happy for me when I got in a relationship that wasn't in the one that I am currently in *the Polly Relationship between ma frens* So Yea I should be happy for them to ^^
03.03.2021 23:31
Linktaht's reasonable, but also shoot.your.shoot. this your only time to tell them how doing that makes you feel, I think it's important they know, I've been in this situation, except in apollo's shoes, it's very confusing and knowing how the person who loved me at the time felt would have helped me so much
04.03.2021 00:11
LinkI know, its just hard because They everyone else in our relationship is okay with it and want whats best, im just selfish-
I wish it was that simple for me, Im not allowed to go to college I can't have kids it'd be selfish I've only ever wanted a baby but I can't It'd be unfair to bring some one into the world and not be able to afford to take care of them, like my life, Im a mess I don't want my child to be like that
At least you can have kids. I can't even do that. At a point in my life, my only goal in life was to be a good mother/parent. And now I can't even do that. And your right. I can't go to collage either, because I will never be able to afford it. Idk how old you are but im still young, and im assuming you are to. Im not young enough to be overly naive, but im also not old enough to know if the rest of my life will be this. Life is shit. And we can't change that. We will never be able to do things perfectly, and nothing is ever just handed to us. The greatest of the greatest were more often then not thrown in the dirt and laughed at, called crazy, told they were to poor or stupid. Albert Einstein who invented the ****ING LIGHT BULB was told he was to dumb to make it past elementary education. Nothing will never be easy, do you know how many times people fail and get hurt before they do what they love, or make a difference. A lot. So much that there is no way to count it all. So I say keep standing and Work for-
-So I say keep standing and work for the life you thrive to have. Find ways to make it work, even if it seems impossible you will find a way. Apply to scholar ships and all of that stuff. If you get enough you could easily pay your way threw collage, and your parents can not stop you from being a strong individual in this world and fighting for your life. You can ****ing do anything and people need to stop telling you that you can't.
I wish my boyfriend accepted me but Im to scared to tell him that what he said really ****ing hurt and Im not stupid and I know he'd still be uncomfortable if I was comfortable, I'd rather have a person love me and approve of me than be comfortable in my own skin I don't feel like a girl I had all these plans to start to look the part I don't know who I am everything is pushing me around Im trans I think?? but I can't tell anyone I can't go by he/him I can't look masculine I can't do anything because Im scared he'll leave me like everyone else. because I know people I know how they think I know that things don't just change even if you say you'll be fine with it, you won't Im not blind, I've been through this I wish I didn't crush his dreams I want to be with him.
Look if he can't except you then thats his own fault. If he loves you he will. And You should be who you want to be. If you want to be a guy then be a ****ing guy If you wanna be a girl then be a girl. NO one can stop you. No matter what you think this is your choice and you have to understand that. No man is worth it if they will not except you for you. I learned that in the last relationship I was in, the one before Apollo. You could be gender fluid. Sometimes you wanna be a guy,sometimes a girl,sometimes non-binary. You can be whoever the hell you wanna be and Im tired of people feeling scared to tell their signifigant others who they really are, because if that person will not except that then they are not the one. No matter what you believe. Trust me Apollo is doing the exact same thing, but telling the person they are dating they are polly, along with the other people in out relationship that they are leaving. Im the only one who know all of this. Not telling people only hurts them worse in the end.
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So go for it hun. Its not your only option, you can be whoever you want to. It took me a while to understand this when people told it to me. But they were right. I should be able to be who I want, and if the person I love and want in my life can't except that, then I can't except them for being toxic to me. May not be to others, but when someone can't except you for you, so you change to fit that other persons expectations, then they are toxic for you, and you do NOT need that in your life.
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I told myself that to Boozle. And then you find someone better and you think, im not doing that again, then you do. Im sorry you think that you can not be happy with anybody else, but I also think that you are thinking about it too much. You shouldn't just block out the idea of love because you've been mistreated, not excepted, unwanted, or whatever. You need to keep going and never let go. Hold onto those past relationships even if they were shit because you can learn from them and become stronger. Im tired of people on here telling me, "Im done with love," Because that is NOT the answer, in fact you only become more miserable,more depressed,more angry. Thats whats wrong with this world today, they dont let shit go, and they get angry and take it out on everyone else, dont be everyone else.
Im trying not to but tbh love is an insult to me at this point just a cycle round and round and round of something bad, like take fell for example, yes know what I learned from being with him, but holy shit I don't even feel human anymore because of him, and then morgan I learned I just accept everything my so's do they could beat me and I'd still be bewitched I learned I'd give up anything for these people and I think that love makes me do that I'd sacrifice everything I am for these people and I don't know how to change that, it's like a sickness
Love is a sickness, it ****s with the mind. You are also young and have a full life ahead of you. You want to just throw out everything before your life actually starts. Right now your barely threw the prologue, the real game starts soon. Your going to get rid of all of your needed supplies before you get into the actual game so you can suffer and fail time and time again? I think not. Yea they mistreated you, but you still feel attached but you can't let go,I know how that feels. But there is no reason that you cant take that and say. "HEY LOOK AT HOW ****ING STRONG I AM FOR LEAVING THAT MESS AND STILL TRYING!!" Do you know how easy it is to just give up, to just never wanna do it again. Once you start you can't stop. Your body will physically, and mentally want to give up before anything starts. I know your upset, and your hurting, but don't let **** tards take over !YOUR! life. This is !YOUR! Life and YOU NEED to live like its your last ****ing time your breathing in. At any moment we could die,-
At Any moment we could be ****ing gone. Sure you think ,well that would be nice, But your ****ing wrong. Im sorry if you think im rude, or harsh, but im honest. I see, and communicate with the dead. And every 'ghost' I've come across that had taken their life away, or spent it miserably by not accepting things, they all say the same thing, "I wish I could go back and do it all again-" And I don't want that to be you either. Those who hid their sexuality from their significant other and ended up hating life, always said. "I wish I would have told them," Everyone who gave up before they started always say, "I wish I would have tried," Don't be like those people who lost their chance. YOU still have a ****ing chance so take it or end up like the miserable spirits who can go on to their next life.