

Alphabet Part 1


anyone remember this girl


Citrus || BITE (Chp. 29)


07.10.2020 21:58
Linkwhats the point in living if youre gonna die anyway? why not commit suicide until your life doesn't suck? why have friends? so they could betray you? i want to know what i did this time to make you mad. just because i didnt want to play a game with you? thats stupid, maybe i was busy? or maybe i was getting the rope for my last words.

07.10.2020 23:22

07.10.2020 23:23

07.10.2020 23:23
LinkTOO DEEP FOR ME (dies of deepness)

dude, you have friends that care about you. Just because you hate yourself doesn't mean you should die. Just think about the people you'll affect, the people that care about you, like me! I genuinely care about you, i don;t want you to ever hurt yourself. ilynh <3

bruh don't fake depression
this is literally terrible acting
what did you copy and paste this from??

Do you know how it feels to even have suicidal thoughts or depression as a whole? And if you’re faking your a terrible person

Well, you really shouldnt have done this. Deppression is not something to joke about, please dont do this anymore. Anyways, I suggest moving accounts because you're probablly gonna get a ton of hate now, and that sucks in which I am sorry about that. I know you hate me and blah blah but please listen to me. Having deppression isnt quirky, I dont have it but I get mildly annoyed when people joke about it. And if you really are having those thoughts, stay safe, there are so many ppl that love you <3 But please, please, please, please, move accounts. You might get a lot of hate here so that just might be the better thing to do. Anyways, stay safe.

Also, just because people are teasing you that you didnt cut yourself doesnt mean that you should. They probablly cant see that you are maybe still kinda young, so you didnt know. I honestlly think a lot of people overreacted and it sucks. Believe me, I know what its liked to be targeted. Its not fun, Ill just tell you that. But please I really do suggest moving accounts.

actual depressed people don't want attention and actually depression is somewhat a M E N T A L I L L N E S S bet ya didn't know that also your faking dosent seem like real depression also from one thing someone said you cant get depression from that its gradually over time or just from mental abuse physical abuse or just a horrible home environment and you dont seem to have experience one so yeah if you think your sad its because you dont get the attention you "need".