FlipAnim Daily-Experiment
11.07.2021 01:59
LinkFlipAnim Daily News!
11.07.2021 01:59
LinkLegendAnimator conducts sleep experiment on himself: Gone wrong, and health hazardous-
Singing heard, unearthly experiences, strange co-existing on a dream and reality platform, and much, much more:
11.07.2021 01:59
LinkOkay, I decided to conduct a sleep experiment: what would happen if I stayed up all night, without any napping nor sleep the next day? I prepared myself mentally, and hopefully in a healthy way. I studied the side effects of all nighters, and was well aware of what I was in for- or so I thought.
11.07.2021 01:59
LinkBeing a 13 year old, doing an all nighter is not a safe, nor a recommendable thing. Staying up till 4:00 and sleeping in till 12:00 is normal, but not staying up all night. So let me tell you what happened: the stages I went through. The 7 horrible stages:
11.07.2021 01:59
LinkThe First Stage - Dizziness
During the first stage of the all-nighter experiment, after the sun rose and I went to drink some coffee, I began to experience slight dizziness, and odd movements in my eyes. I felt different.
11.07.2021 01:59
LinkThe Second Stage - Tiredness
It seems probably that tiredness would come first, but it doesn’t: first is dizziness, and THEN the tiredness kicks in: small at first, but it does boost the dizziness.
11.07.2021 01:59
LinkThe Third Stage - Intense Dissociations
It began to get health hazardous when I started to dissociate and was unable to listen properly, often finding I was in my own mind without the ability to escape. The dizziness and tiredness got worse, and the lack of focus got worse.
11.07.2021 01:59
LinkThe Third Stage - Unearthly experiences
This is when it began to get creepy. While walking around, I began to hear singing coming very clearly from my mind. Often children singing a song never before sung. It was disturbing. I’d hear voices speaking. I heard a man talking about wax, and another having an entire discussion/argument on it while I half listened while trying to focus. The dizziness, and dissociation, along with weariness got worse and worse than before.
11.07.2021 02:00
LinkThe Fourth Stage - Sudden Jolt of Shock
Upon walking into a certain room, I experienced a strange shocking feeling, as if it was Deja Vu, Nostalgia, and dizziness all combined in pain. It happened more than once, and each time left me on the verge of a panic attack.
11.07.2021 02:00
LinkThe Fifth Stage - Gone
During the fifth stage, you are unable to control when you space out, nor when you come back. Oftentimes I would randomly space out, and for moments upon moments I didn’t realize I was. But it was painful when I noticed, because a shocking dizziness took over for a brief but sickening second.
11.07.2021 02:00
LinkThe Sixth Stage - Loss of thought
This is one of the scariest I believe: I couldn’t understand anything whenever I spaced out. Oftentimes I could hear people talking, but at these times I couldn’t.
But when I could, and I tried to respond, I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t look at people, laugh, smile or do anything. In the middle of yawning, I stopped and forgot how, and forgot what I was thinking, and just sat there, my mouth open. To my siblings and mother, it was hilarious: but to me, considering it KEPT happening out of control, it was terrifying.
11.07.2021 02:01
LinkThe Seventh Stage - Physical Harm
My stomach began to churn in a painful manner, with a sharp and stinging feeling swelling inside of it, as I struggled to think straight. That moment during the pain was the scariest, and was the time I wished I could take it all back.
11.07.2021 02:01
LinkFinally, to help myself snap out of it, I took a shower. Now, I am writing this in hopes it will warn you, before I comfortably return to sleep.
So that is all the 7 stages I went through. These may not apply to all those, but this goes to show how dangerous all nighters can really be. You may think ‘oh you should have drank lots of coffee!’
I had 5 cups. And it did nothing.
Being in a different world, like being in a dream and in reality, was terrifying. I will never, EVER do an all nighter again. Nor conduct another experiment on myself again.
11.07.2021 02:01
LinkUntil next time- LegendAnimator: FlipAnim Daily News
I once pulled an all nighter doing nothing but playing Roblox arsenal.
But in all seriousness man, that’s terrifying..
i didnt sleep for one night bc i couldnt sleep, so i decided to stay up. i decided to watch tv on my couch around 9am after i didnt sleep and slept for like 20 minutes or something
i didnt have any side effects, the next night i slept well, it was just hard to focus sometimes bc i was so tired
I'm 11 and staying up for 24 hours doesn't do shit to my mental health
It just makes me sleep more the next day
And also makes me have more energy the next day after that
ive done that except for a full week.
imagine the consequences of a week with no sleep. only roblox, drawing, tv, being in the kitchen for 30 minutes at a time, and my own thoughs
that's physically impossible-
the longest record for someone staying up was 11 days, and the man was older, had a lot of coffee, other drugs and such to help him, and an entire team to make sure he was fine, and he still barely survived. 7 days for a kid without sleep is,
impossible. You might have gotten it a little mixed up :eyes: