Poor frog girl :(
Also, I hate you.
In my head I was like, " Why would she look up frogs crying?" so I searched it up and became scarred for life from this video ( watch at your own risk it is not frog friendly :() https://youtu.be/2YZJt_Bw3eo
Lmao, watched the same video.
You’re misunderstanding. I don’t mean the emotional action crying, I meant the sounds frog make. This was the video I was looking for: https://youtu.be/KPlJ5g5VGns
Yeah, I thought so but wasn't entirely sure cause croaking or screaming would have been a better word in my head lol. I find it hilarious that they are capable of literally SCREECHING dramatically even if somebody only just touched them or something.
I would’ve searched screaming, but I couldn’t remember the title and misremembered it as crying.
As for the reason I wanted to find the video in the first place was to add to the playlist “videos i must watch once every year”