Don't cry little Radio :)
Quick sketch of me
Water Droplets
Chrysophillia >Animation Meme<
Its all in your head. . .
Happy (late) Birthday, Mads
hana doku - info
18.07.2022 17:24
Link[don't chain here]
18.07.2022 17:35
Link-what is Hana Doku?
Hana Doku is a disease that can only be given by its plant. eating a freshly picked berry and crushing its seed can give you this disease because of the flesh inside the seed.
-what are the effects of Hana Doku?
As soon as the seed is broken, it will begin to sprout vines and flowers from itself, leading up the victim's throat and fist going through the victim's nose and mouth. Then the particles of the seed spread is a disease, leaving the vines and flowers everywhere and damaging the victim's body. cutting a vine won't do anything to stop it, the vine will only grow again longer than before, causing more damage. Therefore, it is better to leave it alone until the victim gets used to it. If the victim survives, he/she will be able to control the plants damaging his/her body.
Is it safe in some cases to eat the berry?
When picking the berries and selling them legally, it is much preferred that you take the seed away from the berry. Otherwise, there is high risk of receiving the di
18.07.2022 17:36