Dragon Burp

Beauty Is Everywhere

Blue dragon >:3


Battle for the Crown.

Citrus || The Date (Chp. 22)

strong kiddy
Anyways hi babes


21.03.2022 13:00
LinkI'm not allowed to draw and I JUST

21.03.2022 13:10
LinkLooks around
damn I'm lonely

My dad/your uncle told me a story about how when you were a super little kid you were obsessed with foxes. Like, all day non-stop obsessed. My dad said basically they would just punish you or make fun of you if you kept talking about foxes so eventually you just stopped.
Its really unfair. I get being annoyed at other people's fixations but all that stuff is harmless. I did the same things when I was younger and my mom was annoyed but she simply ignored it and I grew out of liking certain characters. I *still* get super obsessive but I've learned how to be chill and use my interests for good purposes. Being a compulsive weirdo can accomplish great things, all the best inventors and doctors and athletes are extremely compulsive people who don't get tired thinking about one subject for years on end, hahah.
Basically, your parents are falling into a stupid "TV sitcom parent moment" and its just embarrassing on their part. Keep doodling, they can't do anything to you.

Not going to lie ive been obsessed with foxes way longer than i did my characters, and i only stopped because one bit me and im now scared of them
But what i dont understand is how this whole situation started is because i was using too much internet, but did they yell at me for that? nah, but hey that would be actually reasonable instead of ging out of their way to be nosey about what im doing with my doodle supplies
and i mean, i believe the human brain does that for a reason, as long as its not actively harming someone i dont see the issue
besides im actually interested in putting like history into my characters and learning about the weird issues i give them, i think ive learned a lot more from my character developing hours than i ever did their one sided angry conversations
ngl i dont see why i should listen to a bunch of outdated psychology obsessed gym rats who think im depressed or something because i want a haircut,

Lol, I heard about that. Its not the fox's fault, apparently he had a bad owner idk. My sister's bf is obsessed with foxes too and he's 27 I think.
I think its fair they want to know what you're doing online but they can clearly see you're drawing and leave it at that. Don't really have to go in detail unless they think there's inappropriate things in the search history, lol.
I never understood why your mom really wanted you to have long hair, that's so weird to me. I've shaved my head twice now, haha. No one cared. I think its best to experiment with your hair when you're young because its a lot more embarrassing if you cut it wrong as an adult lol. Short hair is totally normal for both genders too so.....?? Your mom had the skinbird chelsea haircut at some point, you ever see that style?
You seem totally normal and sane to me. I've known people of your age that were actually frightening to be around

oh no they dont care what i do on the internet, not at all, and thats a bit weird,
but my art?? the worst i do is draw blood guts and occasionally female anatomy because its fun, although they never questioned my naked lady art
short hair is honestly very convenient, it doesnt get caught in everything and doesnt really get in your face,
although my mothers issue is she wants me to be the "uwu pweety pwincess" child she never was
id say im sane compaired to most people i know
i may have an abnormal attatchment to a plushie but oh well

I meannnnnnnn if you just rip this off like a bandaid they couldn't do anything about it other than give you a lame ass punishment and probably call you "dora the explora" for a month. I know you've been wanting this for at least 3 years and if you just did it they'd get over it. There are youtube tutorials too.
You don't really get to socialize much with other peeps but this is about the age where you start doing things with your hair that make your parents furious.
I shaved the sides of my head when I was 15 I think. Last year I shaved all of it to 1 inch to get rid of the yucky black dyed hair. I've dyed it red before too (HUGE MISTAKE) lol

Also, just to add- my sister and her pals did terrible things our parents hated too. This was the dawn of emo and they were all burning their hair to a crisp, cutting bangs, pretending to know how to crimp, dying it with koolaid. It was terrible but no one was murdered for it. There were chicks shaving their arm hairs and learning it does grow back thick lmao
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