

27.09.2021 13:24

27.09.2021 13:32
LinkIt’s winter and you go to a cabin for vacation. You hear there a circus in town and you plan on going next week before they leave for another town. You go for a morning walk in the snowy woods and it’s snowing! You hear people yelling and shooting but you can’t see them. After a bit you hear a loud roar and then you decided to run away. After a bit you dont hear the yelling and shooting or the loud roar. You hear someone walking in the snow and it was on of the beasts from the circus. Bleeding and shaking from the cold, wwyd?

+Anni stayed quiet, and watched the beast. She had enough common-sense not to approach things like this, in the woods.+

-He ran to him and then touched their face. He grabbed Asher and then pulled him over him, it was hard, since Asher was bigger and heavier than him, but he managed to take him to his cabin. He laid Asher down on his carpet next to the fire, not too close but close enough to feel the heat. He put a blanket on him as well, and prepared him a hot drink.-

-Rusty came back and opened the door, he closed it and looked at Asher, he set down a separate bag at the little table in the living room and put the other groceries away before walked to Asher with the other bag and sat down in front of him. "I noticed you bleeding, I want to know if you're ok with me bandaging your wounds." he said.-

-He smiled gently at him, "Dont worry, if you want me to stop I will." he says as he got all the medical supplies he needed and then lifted up Asher's shirt to see where he was shot. He dabbed it with a disinfection thing and waited for it to stop fizzing, it stung.-
nah bro but those things sting sting when you get it on a cut.))

-He started to purr again.-
“The slow blink is a demonstration of eye contact without staring, and we interpret this behavior as a sign of relaxation and trust. Some might call that love.” Think of it this way: If a cat closes its eyes around like it's falling asleep, it's signaling that it doesn't view you as a threat
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