Okay uh wkskekkf


12.09.2019 18:18
LinkIn school I decided to have my hair down, and since my hair was so puffy and short I went to school and uh I remember in wellbeing class our book was talking about being active and taking walks n stuff and idk why but it kept taking about bushwalking lmao, and this girl who sits in front of me whispered to her friend "the bushwalking is nav-" and she starts to mouth the words and cover her mouth away from me so I dont know what she's saying and both of them started laughing, I have a feeling that they were talking about me and my hair, because I definitely heard my name in what she said before she mouthed the words, I'm never having my hair down in school again, only because 3 people talked about my hair and my bff was one of them

12.09.2019 18:19
LinkI didnt realize how long that was until looking at it ohgod