

28.01.2018 20:01
Link lies

28.01.2018 20:06

:O Cloddo ur perfect! from what ive seen your an amazing person! You are more than good enough! Your great! I get it life suck and its hard to see on the bright side but u has too :O

Idol? I don't feel like idol material I'm not talented, I'm not smart, I'm not interesting, I'm not pretty. I feel unloved and upset even though so many people like me. Its one person that changed my whole perspective on life, she was so nice, so smart, so talented, so cool, I would give anything to be like her. We were friends once. But I was too stupid to even keep the friendship going. Now everytime I see her or think of her, or someone mentions her I get upset

Psssh and i am??? So what if were not smart, im as smart as a rock. Intresting??? Who needs to be freaking intresting for people to like them? AND WOAH KIDDIO, I AINT PRETTY IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. Not even in meh dreams. Theres no such thing as idol material. Anybody can look up to another person.
And then you want to be another person. This may sound cheesy, but your unique. Not perfect because nobody is perfect, but unique. You dont want to be cut from the same cookie cutter as everybody else. Be a separate individual!
Look we all have things and interests we love, but family or other people might not love. But that doesnt mean you should quit! Thats ridiculous! My family hates anime, cartoons, any fangirl would usual love. But i still do all that stuff, because its what i love.
Be yourself.

Lately I've been feeling really bad about myself. I just hate me so much. I just feel unloved, unwanted, ugly, I feel so upset. Not to mention my friend keeps thinking she knows my life. "You don't have depression" she would say. Her reasoning being that I act happy. She doesn't know how I feel. I'm so sorry for making this. I feel like such an attention grab

The people I compare myself too are gone, not dead. They just left me. And their talent is trapped in my head. Not everyone around me likes my art. My mom hates it, my sister hates it, everyone tells me to focus on important things instead of art. Art is my hobby and I can't even get my hobbies right.

We've all went through it before, some worse than others, but emotions are what make us human. Comparing almost comes as a nature to some people. Its painful to see others that are better but that just gives you a better reason to keep working at it. Think of your art like a statue kind of. Someone has built an amazing statue and you compare yours to theres, seeing that its better. You start working at it and your just as good as them, maybe in your own way. but thats what make you you

Cloddo, I don't know you in REAL LIFE, but that doesn't stop me from seeing you like this. I am generally not happy with myself most of the time and i am not depressed but sometimes i don't feel happy nor comfortable with myself, I know this is weird but I don't think you would do this but to be safe here, Call 1-800-273-8255, I don't want you to hurt your self and if you feel suicidal please call the number. Thank you for being amazing.
-A sad chicken nugget. <3