Among Us Day 2


28.10.2020 21:39
Linkl- Purple had not been kicked, we had all skipped except for me and Blue. -l
Oct. 17th, 2020
Well, today me and Lime decided to team up to make sure we aren't imposters People find it, "sus" but I'm not an imposter, I swear!
I was just chillin' with Lime as we were watching cameras, She is super funny! We were getting, suspicious of, Red. He kept following Blue and Blue was scared.
I follow Cyan to Security and we watch the cameras, I see Red acting sus and whisper it to Cyan.
Lime: "Red is acting sus.." I whisper.
Cyan: She nods, "yes, he is.."
We see Red follow Blue, and by Blue's expression, he was scared as heck.
Lime: "We should report it.." I say, and she nods.
I leave the room, walking to the emergency button, running would be suspicious..
I press the button, and everyone comes running.
Emergency Meeting
Red: What?
Lime: You're following Blue around, and it's sus.
Red: I'm not impostor, tho!!
Lime: We don't know that.
I wait for Cy

28.10.2020 21:39
Linkan to back me up, but she's quiet.

28.10.2020 21:40
LinkBlue: You were following me, and that's very sus!! P-Please stop..
Blue has voted, 6 remaining.
Red has voted, 5 remaining.
Lime has voted, 4 remaining.
Cyan has voted, 3 remaining.
White has voted, 2 remaining.
Black has voted, 1 remaining.
Purple has voted, 0 remaining.
Skips: 2
Red: 5
Red has been voted out.
Red was not the impostor.
W-What have we done? Voted off an innocent, I have always hated the thought of voted off an innocent person! Why, why did we do that?
Lime: He was acting suspicious, He shouldn't follow people its not your fault!
Cyan/Me: Your right, I guess.
I hate to say it but I was kinda getting suspicious of Lime.. But she is a good friend, Why would I think that?
Lime: I have a task I gotta go do.
Cyan/Me: Okay don't be to long.
Lime: Bye!
Cyan/Me: Bye.
Well, Now I'm all alone in electrical.. The place where everyone gets killed.
5 minutes later
Lime: Hey Cyan!
Cyan/Me: Oh hey! What took you so lo

28.10.2020 21:40
LinkLime: Just that one lousy task.
I just laughed and agreed,
Cyan/Me: Yeah.
Dead Body Reported
Pink: Oh hey Purple!
Red: Yeah, welcome.
Purple: Hello.
Red: Who was the impostor?
Pink: It is--
Blue: The body was in Navigation.
Green: Well I was in Admin.
White: Did you see anyone?
Blue: Nope.
Lime: Well, me and Cyan were in Electrical! Right, Cyan?
I didn't know what to do,
Cyan/Me: Yup! We were in electrical.
Blue: Um, okay. Where were you Black?
Black: I was in um, storage.
Lime: No, you weren't I didn't see you in there!
Blue: You were in electrical, remember Lime?!
Lime: Um, oh yeah! B-But I walked through storage.
Lime whispered to me,
Lime: Back me up.
But I couldn't she said she went to Reactor! How do you go to Reactor and walk through storage?
Cyan/Me: I-
Blue voted 4 remaining
I was freaking out, who did he vote for?!
White voted 3 remaining
Black voted 2 remaining
Lime voted 1 remaining
Cyan voted 0 remai

28.10.2020 22:45