(w h a t t h e f u c k d o y o u w a n t m e to d o)
(you keep pointing out the fact that she's at arm's reach, do you want him to hug her or some shit?)
dark: thank you. -smiles- im closing up shop a bit early if you dont mind. im home alone and i haft to get some bills paid. ( s m a l l d e t ai l s. h o m e a l o n e xDD))
alright. well, i'll catch you on the flip side...*grabs the cuffs and shoves them in my pockets before walking out, my number actually being burned into a piece of paper that's sitting on the bar counter*
dark: hm..stange. -walks into her house, and starts paying bills. she then turns off the lights and takes off her shirt and opens her window, with no screen, and lays down in bed to sleep-
-the next night..-
-you walk in and see dark getting intimidated by anouther drunk-
james: now you listen here little lady..your going to give me that drink..
dark: s-sir i c-cant-
james:-slams fist on counter-
dark: e-eep!
*mutters* mother****ing assholes...*jaw reconnects itself, my gauntlets liquefying and forming into a necklace as I sit on one of the stools* You alright?
dark: a-all the time.. s-some times they try to grab my or..touch me. i-im the only female worker there, eh-ehe...but its fine really. you saved me today, and ill repay you in any way i can
dark: -sets up your bed on the couch- just come and get me if you need something. -smiles, turning out the light and walking into her room, and getting into the pajamas- ((same as the other rp))