Collab anyone ?? :D


05.04.2020 14:32

05.04.2020 14:32
Linkand tell me if you want the file ^^^
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05.04.2020 14:33
LinkHuman ocs are allowed !!!!!!!!!!
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05.04.2020 14:35
Linkstop commenting on chain lol
if ive responded to your comment you can start working on your part. after your finished attach file down below >

05.04.2020 14:47
Linki'm going to be using my 14 winged oc (idK what to name her)
the bb to the right ->
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05.04.2020 21:42
LinkChange of plans, Im just gonna pick different ocs of mine that I like 😌👌

20.05.2020 15:16
Linki wanna do it

20.05.2020 15:17
Linkcan we all do it at the same time

Oh wait really? :0
Haha that actually kinda scared me lol. I just wanna ask what kind of way you want me to do it and I would be drawing my self or my accounts main oc grapefruit. And there human's if you don't mind 😅
And I would love the file back if your alright with that :'3
I work on the old editor but I can convert my drawing to the new if you'd like for the file??

I've been drawing on the old editor since 6th grade so for about 3 years xD the new ones scary haha
I kinda want to know what you would be doing in the drawing?? Sorry I have maNY poses on kind and I just kinda want to know if you will be drawing a fur character and the background or something like that.
Fff sorry I'm honestly really greatful for being picked hnn tysm---

That would be my very first collab :D
Can I try one time? Of course when you finish other users' collabs ^_^
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