10.07.2023 02:55
10.07.2023 02:56
LinkWhen I first started this account it was because I found animation fun. I found the world of Flipanim so fascinating to explore, so many talented creators making iconic pieces of Flipanim history. I found myself inspired by these people, wishing to achieve something grand like them. The one user that stood out to me was HA-Entertainment, his animations speak for themself but it was the fact that he did it in Flipanim which really blew my mind. So I kept on making animations, in fact I made basically zero drawings throughout my entire time here on this platform. Features in the early days were a novelty to me, to get your very own creation recognized and immortalized by Flipanim is truly phenomenal. My first big goal was to get a feature, needless to say I have plenty now. 1000 followers always seemed obtainable but as years went by the amount of followers gained and the amount of people using the site lowered drastically. But now we’re here post 1000 followers and I must say it’s surreal. I’m very thankful to
10.07.2023 02:57
Linkhave been around for as long as I have and to have seen the wonderful creations you all have made! I was in a Digital Art class last year of school, it introduced me to a new software called “Procreate”. Even more exciting is that we had an entire animation unit (which everyone hated but me). We had a final animation project, I worked on that for 2 months to sometimes even 5 hours a day. I really love the animation I made and it’s about time I show it to you! I hope the link works but consider this my greatest animation yet. Thank you for 1000.
10.07.2023 03:00
LinkOh yeah look at my last 4 animations including this one. It spells 1 0 0 0
10.07.2023 03:06
Congratulations on 1000 dude! And also congratulations on finishing your animation project. It was incredibly smooth and well paced… 2 months and 5 hours per day well spent!!
It’s good to see someone not talk so negatively about FlipAnim for once. I’m super happy for you!
Keep up the amazing work! ❤️