pls read the comments


27.02.2019 07:24
Linkso today my bff got beat up by her little brother

27.02.2019 07:25
Linkshe said he had to go to the shade cuz he did not and when he stared to beat her up I started to swear

27.02.2019 07:26
Linkat him and then I said '' IM GANNA TELL OFF YOU U LITTLE $#%3$%@''

27.02.2019 07:27
LinkI will make a anim about it

27.02.2019 07:40
Linkthat's so bad! why would he do that??

27.02.2019 10:22
Linke>e ( I can relate I have a sister who does that to me, she even sometimes bullies me ) I hope you can find your safe place.

27.02.2019 13:14
LinkSame here

27.02.2019 21:55
LinkI need to see the anim
Comment removed

I'm sorry I left my Wi-Fi needed to be paid just as I suspected... I'm not the one who pays them anyways!! Also woah... Never heard anything like that before... That's bad

My lil bro does that to me but I usually beat him up... Not that that's a good thing either... He's the same age as me but had to be held back because of his birthday but good thing he's small!... Hope she's okay... Is he in trouble or is there even a reason for this...still waiting for the anim! But yeah maybe hmmmm was by out because he might come for you next because you are her bff. So ummmmm please be safe.sorry again for not being on companion and for making such a long comment.well ummm bye don't feel awkward about this pls.