Meet Andre


27.03.2019 13:36
LinkName- Andre Wood
Height- 7’8 (this isn’t uncommon for angels))
Likes-Spiders- Kat (he’s her older brother and dead ass this man would die for her, he a good guy))- reading (he comes off as intimidating but he’s actually just a nerd who likes Spiders and rocks
Dislikes- if anyone even remotely is an ass to Kat or anyone he cares about he’ll literally ****ing kill them if he isn’t told not to- crowds, though he doesn't mind them much, he prefers to avoid them due to how much he stands out

27.03.2019 13:36
LinkExtra- Andre is Kat’s older brother, while Kat was rejected due to her being basically useless, he dropped everything he had and came to the overworld to protect her knowing she is incapable of doing so herself. He has extreme trust issues, and winning his trust (especially if your character is a guy) is close to impossible, but if you do manage to win his, you’ll come to find he’s a bit of a bookworm, he loves to study spiders and rocks,and collects them, well he collects rocks but he really wants to get a tarantula, enjoying walks alone through caves or the woods/forested areas, he’s not a huge people person and though used to it, prefers if people didn’t comment on his height, but overall he’s a sweet loving guy at heart with a cold outer shell that’s tough to break, but if you take the right paths it shouldn’t be too hard :)

19.05.2019 03:39
My name is Lucas
I am a spider
I want to sing you a wonderful song
And if you see me
Please don't squish me
I want to be your friend all day long!

Andre:*he wasn't in the mood to assist someone he didn't know, but her constant falling began to annoy him, so he sighed, standing up and walked over toward the edge and held out his hand to help her up, his expression however far from friendly, even if he wasn't annoyed he would read the same expression (resting ***** face 101))
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Andre:*his ears perked a bit at the sound of the basket falling and his head snaps around to see it, the blackberries spilled onto the ground he furrowed his brow, slowly setting down the note book and the bag he approached the basket and picked up a berry, studying it he then looked around, stepping forward, he's directly on the other side of the tree*

(goin straight into the drama))
Andre:*after being shot 5 times, 3 puncturing his chest and stomach and 2 in one of his wings, he had escaped the situation with the humans but was badly injured, not in the mood to look to any other human for help, he tries to treat it himself, attempting to remove a bullet he winced and leaned against a tree, his chest heaving*

Andre:*he sighed a bit* nah i get it *he winced, taking off his jacket then shirt, his chest has 2 jagged scars running across it, a few scattered at his sides, the wound is deep and irritated, the other two planted close together on his chest, just barely missing his heart*
(*cough* muscles *cough* abs *cough* owo))

Naomi- It’s very.. traditional. We don’t have modern technology, but very modern medicine. We obviously like I’ve said, have multiple gods and no afterlife. And we wear masks to protect ourselves but it’s actually seen as a disrespect to take off our masks in the presence of an authority or non-family member. The women don’t have.. well, that doesn’t matter.

Andre: i mean some cultures get past it if enough people stand against it, but it really all depends on you, you could leave and live life in the city, or even the country, stand against it, or live with it, i really can't choose that for you though i'm just some guy you met in the woods *he chuckles a bit*
(dude...s a m e))

Andre:*he dosent know exactally how she portrays him, if she's scared or angry or sad, so he simply takes his jacket, and flops it over his head, holding it down with the sleeves in his hands, only his nose and mouth peeking out he gave a dorky smile* that better?
(Hes a dork, and a nerd, and he dosent understand girls, and I live for it))