secretly me when I see couples
24.07.2018 02:34
LinkI'm forever alone
24.07.2018 02:35
Linknah you'll find someone one day c:
24.07.2018 02:35
LinkAww •^•
24.07.2018 02:37
Linkyou sure Mari? sometimes it doesn't feel like it, is it just my personality? am I too aggressive?
24.07.2018 02:42
Linklisten, -grabs glasses and puts them on- u r amazing just the way u r u just need to take ur time with these sort of things and u need to be patent u will find that certain someone in ur life.
Comment removed
24.07.2018 02:52
Linkif i'm so ****ing amazing i'd expect to see SOMETHING in all my years, i have seen not a flicker of anything.
24.07.2018 02:55
Linklike i said u need to be patent about these things
24.07.2018 02:57
LinkI'm getting a little tired of waiting, i ee couples in like 3rd and 5th grade yet i'm still here... without anyone
24.07.2018 03:51
Linkb, patent
24.07.2018 16:48
LinkI'm mean so cool
I feel the same way, trust me.
I always feel like there is something wrong with me. I always see other people dating and being together and I just feel really left out.
I have a crush at crush dosent like me anymore..and now I feel depression..I don't think I will like him anymore...its because I was acting so weird around dogs..I changed life is depressing too...feel the same way..
Hey don't worry!! We're all lonely at perhaps.. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right person who likes you for the way you are! Even if you have mental illness or something
thats what I thought. I thought I'll just keep being alone. I'm still am but I've learned to accept it. I've realized that I'm better by myself and just surended by all my friends (i can't spell today xD)