
A bear who became black...

How to properly give a feature

Chapter 1 page 6

Request from my little sister

Le character fell asleep

Thank you for likes!!
more info below


27.12.2017 05:34
Linkhey guys shadow monster here owo i might start a patreon soon and have merch for this guy like hoodies ,shirts and stuffed animals and ect. if you guys don't like this design i could change it give me ideas and i might make it that way this is character is new but his name is Yao and he's sweet and kind and good with the whoman anyways if u have any tips or ideas plz let me know thank you shadow monster out baiiiiiii!!!!!

27.12.2017 14:00
LinkHeY gUys SHadOw monsTerHerE
You sound like an edgy minecraft youtuber lmao

27.12.2017 22:57
Linklmao i didn’t know what to say