Trying Out Some Physics

Citrus (Saburouta): CRASH!!!

ungunks your screen


Paint Crap


The Mission
OPEN Species


24.01.2018 21:37
- They are usually larger than the females
- They have a Mane made of fur clumped together to look like pinecones, with sharp hairs hidden underneath to shoot at larger predators.
- Colors consist of Browns, and rarely, white or black.
- They have a 'Cotton Tail' They use to attract Females.
- They can form relationships with either gender
- Eye color can be Yellow, Orange, Brown, Red (Rare), Clear (Blind).
- Legs are designed for running, and they are naturally better runners and hunters than males.
- They have a tail that looks like a pinecone, and when beat against the ground makes a noise to scare off Prey or larger predators.
- Same colors as males
- Same Eye colors as males, but they also include blue and green.
- Can can have Thin Pupils
-Fur colors are Tan (Common), Browns, Black/White (Rare).
- The Male clubs are very fluffy.
Habitat: Forest & Grassland
Roles: Alpha, Beta, Fighters, Hunters, Healer, Nurses (2-5) , Scouts (1-3).

25.01.2018 01:59
Linkwhy is there 3 likes with no one making one?