I'll say goodbye now... (Vent)


23.08.2018 13:49

I'd like to apologize to:
Gabby, for being an awesome and hilarious sister to make me laugh and relate to stuff in spanish.
ShadowEyes, my first sister and one of the first people I had a connection with on the site. Also because I'm leaving before we got to do pur collab, and that I wasn't very reliable.

sunsetowo, who was probably one of my first and best friends on this site. It all started with Eddsworld.
Katsudeku, who was a great person to talk to, she's funny and really friendly. She also spoke spanish, so we understood eachother.
Thepapersandwich, the person I looked up too during my stay. I had a dream where we met once, but the probability of that happening is really low. She's an artist with a heart the size of her talent.

Do what’s best for you, but we are always here for you. You’re amazing and talented, and we care so much about you. We hope things get better. Do what’s best for you, and we will never forget you.
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Sis nooooo!
Please, take a break but don't leave forever.
I understand that you might feel pressured, so just relax a little. I love talking to you and looking at your art every day.
Please don't leave a gaping hole in my heart by leaving forever.
If you ever want to talk this is my gmail:

Te entiendo perfectamente, alguna vez me he preguntado cómo tienes tanta paciencia para hacer tales animaciones.
En fin, me alegro que hayas decidido tomarte un descanso en vez de abandonar, sería triste si te fueras! ojalá pudiera hacer algo para que te sintieras mejor aquí, aunque no sé el qué, si hay alguien que te molesta dímelo y voy a pegarle!!!!!
(Además, piensa que vas a seguir gustando a la gente aunque no acabes tus proyecto y eso es porqué eres una persona muy agradable y talentosa)
Si tienes Instagram o alguna red social, ya sabes.
(yo tengo cuentas en todos sitios xD)