Q+A??? NANI???


17.09.2019 05:51
Linkif you want to ask a question, you better do it now.
but no one wants to. like, i BET half of my beans that follow me probably do it because they think i do follow for follow shit.

17.09.2019 05:54
when you predict that no one will care. *whEEzE*

17.09.2019 06:04
Linki'll be answering, for, like, a week. so you be gucci.

a n y t h i n g ?
I'll make sure this is as personal as possible
1) has your virginity been yeeted?
2) what's your bmi?
3) have you ever dated anyone just ask you could say that you're dating someone?
4) r u a top or a bottom?
5) have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what?

Favourite pastimes other than drawing?
Do you like dance? If so, what genres of dance do you prefer?
Do you usually fight, flight, or freeze?
Do you know your mbti?
Do you know your sun, moon, ascendant, and Venus signs are? (Sun is how you are, moon is your thoughts and emotions, ascendant is how you are on a surface level, andvenus is how you are towards friends and loved ones)
Any irrational fears?

uHHH playing my instrument, like a nerd.
umm... im in dance club but i only joined because my friends did...
no. but i know im a virgo and then you told me i was part aquarius...
uh i can't deal with water thats deeper than 5ft or ill have an anxiety attack, and my mom raised me to think that everyone that i dont know wants to kidnap me and hurt me and rape me... so...