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"Our Shining Stars" S-aNIM.


Cricket and Blue

Gotta Accelerate at a HighPace


what IS ink summoning anyways?


30.08.2019 01:03
LinkInk summoning is a power I made up. basically, if you are in physical contact with any art supplies (pencil, pen, paintbrush, paper, etc.) you can bring your characters (and only yours) to life, use their powers, or turn into them. you can also create items out of thin air (the only exception is food) but, like ink, it will fade away over time unless you give it a touch up. the power does have a few cons:
A) if you have no art supplies, you can't use your powers
B) If your character is already brought to life, you can't turn into them.
C) you can't make food or real money. (you can make fake money though)
D) your characters have constant access to your mind when they're not summoned (you can use an art tool to bring them back to the ink realm)
E) you can't use a character that you only made for the purpose of using their powers (if I wanted to be a water bender, and created a water bender character, I couldn't use their powers)
other than that, this is a pretty OP ability, and I would love to have it.

30.08.2019 01:33
Linkalso, Galasig (for those of you who read the server crash thing I did) is a sentient battle sword character of Lucid's. it's basically the sword version of Mijulnir.