let me type


02.12.2018 16:03
LinkBOOM! STRIKE! I lifted my head up to let the strings of blue fall back on my head as I leaned back in my almost coffee colored chair. "Another stormy one, isn't it?" I glanced at my boss who was standing there looking anxious to tell me my shift was over, instead he insisted I stayed the night to cover up Granett's missing work. So I stayed and approximately at 1:30 when the ticking clock struck, I started to pack up my things in a rush to head to my mom's to help prepare thanksgiving dinner.

02.12.2018 16:06
LinkAs I packed up my papers which were flying around the room slowly flowing down to the floor, I picked up the papers on the floor and stuffed them into my brown business bag. That's when I heard it. SCREEEE!! like nails on a chalk board I thought. Until I realized, we have no chalk boards in the building. At this point the lights shut down in an instant without a flash without a spontaneous answer I put my bag around my shoulder and began to walk anyways, using my phone flashlight to guide my way out of the building. I thought to myself, "It must've just been the storm."

02.12.2018 16:09
LinkBefore I could even step an inch to the door I heard another sound, familiar to the first one except with a louder echo, seeming like it was closer. SCREEEEEE!! I finally give back a call. "Hello?" No answer. So I make a point to myself that it's just the janitor. As I pace down the hall going a little faster with my feet moving after another, I gaze behind me after I hear this man calling my name. "Jim." I thought it was my boss at first wanting me to do more paperwork. So I made a bad decision to stop in the middle of the pearled hallway

02.12.2018 16:13
LinkI responded back with a; "Yes?" I didn't even bother to look behind me until I felt something cold touch my shoulder. It felt like an ice pack, that has been in the refrigerator for days. I turn my head to get a glance of a man staring into my eyes holding up a kitchen knife. My pupils with small, the man had pale white skin and dark blue eyes, he seemed in his 60's. He looked tired and beat up. I booked it pushing his hand off of me jolting myself forward and out the door of the building. I called the police afterwards, they searched the building and there was no one. They suggested it was a homeless man looking for money. After that I quit my job, and I will never know, who or what that man wanted.

02.12.2018 16:14
LinkAll there is to say, that I'm glad I made the last second decision to run.

02.12.2018 16:14
LinkBecause if I didn't, my life would be on the line.