Pink style???


03.11.2018 01:34
Link"Pink Style"? What does that mean?

03.11.2018 01:37
LinkSomeone who’s completely pink I dunno?

ey mine if i give some constructive critisism?just asking first because some people on here get all butthurt when people tell them to improve something
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ok so first,the heads you make are really big (and i know i cant be talking since i draw really big heads to) like,it kinda looks like you circle-tooled it,also,this is probably part of your style but please dont draw triangle boobs.also,for eyes,if your gonna do the shiney parts,or if your just generaly trying to make them cute,dont make them super big,and the shiney parts,i would just use the roller brush tool to do a few,the default greys help with that stuff,also,the arms and legs you make a really and i mean REALLY skinny,try to make them sorta no as skinny ok?thats all,sorry if any of this may have come out as rude in any way,but everyone has room for improvement,ok have a nice day