savage kid returns

A bear who became black...

- Sochuri's Flight -


Beautiful Silence

🌸🌙Zoom Calls🌙🌸

yES I can tween, shut up!
Meet Ben


09.11.2018 22:13
LinkMeet Ben, he’s not in the slightest human, well, he was but after being brutally murdered by someone dropping a ****ing heavy ass tv on his head, killing him, he rose from the dead like, well this, he feels little to no emotion ow and is basically just a chaotic psychopath, he’s wanted in just about every place all over the world, he will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way, he refers to himself as a god, and spends all of his time just ****ing with people basically, i’d suggest against interaction with him if you don’t want your character to die
Species: eh...dead guy?
Interests:****ing with people...period
First Name:Benjamin
Last Name:Thomas
(he’s the 4th of my main characters, the other three are, Maria, Hank, and Jae

09.11.2018 22:14
Linkheh u pre-typed it!! nice job on him! love the story!

09.11.2018 22:15
Linkthanks lol

Ben:*he'd turn, smiling a bit* huh, thanks ^^ *he'd take a cup, his face fazes out and he slightly lifts the tv just enough for his mouth and jaw to be visible, his skin looks digital and blue but there be a crispy ass jaw like doe, he sips the tea, lowering the mask again he'd flick the screen and it fazes back on* hm...it's good!

Ben:*sees something in a door way and scrambles over to it, he picks up a smell girl who looks to be around the age of 5, the took a shit to the gut but the killing blow accidently came from his gun in the chest, he's desperately trying to revive her, not paying any attention to Arum, tears start to flood his eyes with a panicked expression on his face*

Ben:*he'd sit up, opening the door and walk out, he glares down at her a bit* why would you even care... *looks back strait ahead on himself, he picks up the tv head, placing it back on he flicks the screen and along with it comes the face back on, he heads for the door* i've got some things needing to be taken care of....
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