26.12.2018 18:56
LinkHey what up??
So, I’m obviously a furry, right? Yeah. I’ve been officially a furry for 3 years. I have always wanted a fursuit. But, I’m not talented enough to make one, too young to commission (I’m 11), and even if I was old enough, my family would NEVER BE ABLE TO AFFORD IT. Except the fact that yesterday was Christmas and I got $180 in Christmas money. I secretly went on on Dream Vision Creation’s website this morning and looked at fursuit things for one of my original characters. If I got all the things I wanted on there, the total would be $106 dollars. So I can afford it, right? Except my mom probably won’t let me spend that much of my money. It’ll probably all go to college or whatever, in the bank. I’d talk to her about it, but she’s at work and I’d talk to my dad, but he’s watching YouTube videos on the tv. So, I guess I’ll just have to wait until I’m freaking 18 and can make my own decisions/money without people judging me. Worse, my friend (Who’s 10) has 6 or 7 fursuits and gets mad a
Lmao why the **** would a 10 year old have fur suits? Also, I hope your parents do put that money into your college fund instead of a shitty fur suit so you can hang out with sweaty men at a convention. Youre only 10, even if you got one, what would you do with it? Walk around your house and yiff the table?
Okay, first of all, please don’t cuss and make those rude assumptions. I’m not 10, I’m 11. And why would I walk around the house and y*** the table? What the heck? Fursuiting is just a hobby, and it’s just as good as any other. I’m VERY tired of people like you making assumptions like this all the dang time. Just because some furries act inappropriately doesn’t mean that the rest of us are perverted weirdos. Grow up and learn some more about us.