Ask or dare Rainbow!


10.11.2019 23:07
LinkAsk: Are you always happy? or can you get mad or sad sometimes?

10.11.2019 23:09
LinkRainbow: Not always, i'm sad when anyone i know or like gets hurt, i can't really cry about myself.

10.11.2019 23:09
LinkDo you like it when your always happy?

10.11.2019 23:12
LinkRainbow: Yup! I'm nice to everyone! unless they make fun of me... i do tiny things to them until they apologize, then i'm nice to them again... But usually people are nice to me! so to show my happiness i'm usually pink yellow and green in fur color! when im every color of the rainbow like you can see in the picture, i'm super-duper happy like i am now to meet you guys!

Rainbow is a new oc of mine that i made overnight *as usual* and her fur can change colors at times so that's why her name is Rainbow! She is kinder than any of my other oc's and is good at fighting, She is a wolf with a not-so-puffy tail, and she is very bright. If she is entirely blue she is sad about something or someone, and she has special powers so if she gets hurt she can heal herself immediately. Her wings are glow in the dark and they are soft. (thats all i can think of lol)