The Second Catastrophe- button

Citrus || Proper Eating

i think Im getting arthritis



animal fuse

Luo TianYi
I'm lonely, I need socializing


30.11.2017 22:23
Linkokay let's talk about biblical economics because that's what I've been learning this past month

30.11.2017 22:26
Linkplease say it in a way a small child can understand (I looked up what economics meant but I don't understand what you want to talk about)

30.11.2017 22:33
Linkummm i'll try... our economic system sucks and the money we have now is 94% less it's value and the government are greedy bath turds
and when God said money is the root of all evil he didn't mean wealth is bad it's just the root but our sinful hearts are what watering the roots and did you know that when you buy something it's always a win-win situation because the thing your buying is more valuable then the money you have.

30.11.2017 22:43
LinkI think I might get it??? But I think I might stick to talking about something I know about. Do t get me wrong, my therapy tests say I'm above average in intelegence so I'm not dumb.

30.11.2017 23:08
Linkwell let me ask this, how old are you?