meow wave


Real animation in comments

Potato Anim-Inception

happy birthday

strange cat story



04.02.2019 02:30
LinkRemember when I always gave you milky warmed it up and gave yo ubun bun and played stuffies with you and we watched paw patrol together >w< and we'd cuddle and get all the blankets and pillows and relax on the couch, and we went on runs or walks outside when it was cold or rainy or sunny I made you a playground and we always played on it and you beat me at parkour, remember when I was sad you'd always comfort me and wipped my tears away and tell me it was okay, and I did the same when you were sad

04.02.2019 02:30
Linkand we always say c.a.p and pretend we're there and everything and when you lay in my lap and look up at me ,

04.02.2019 12:04
LinkAnd all of those things and tour little qwerks made me the guy I am today and made me.the happiest guy standing on earth