Leviathan doodle

Kirby VS Whispy Woods

Citrus Anime: Broken



Papyrus believe in you



01.09.2019 20:44

01.09.2019 20:45

01.09.2019 20:50
Linkcan I express how much I love your art real quick??
Your palettes are always so pleasing to the eye and alway look amazing
Like red and green are almost the opposite on the colour wheel but the tone you make them looks as it they were right next to each other
Your lineart is always crisp and smooth, the way you make the tips of fur and hair thinner looks so nice
Your shading is always spot on, and at first glace can be hard to spot because the shades are so close, but when you notice it, it's looks amazing. The way you make highlights small lines is also nice and pleasing
You anatomy is spoton, looking realistic and amazing
You background always fit the picture, not matter how simple
Mind my grammar but damn do you inspire me alot

01.09.2019 20:52
LinkIn short ily you and your art
your amazing and so is your art
I can't find any flaws to it <3

01.09.2019 20:53
LinkI tried to practice color thingys, and this warmed my heart!! I'll try and make a tutorial on how to make colors look good together, like red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow!

01.09.2019 20:55
LinkI'm currently trying to make something like this and I'd like to hear your opinion on it :DD

01.09.2019 20:56
LinkOk, I'll do nice criticism!!

01.09.2019 21:06
LinkI've done it :D