The Little House


29.01.2018 19:40

29.01.2018 19:41
LinkI had to draw it myself.

29.01.2018 19:41
LinkStill! That's even more impressive!

29.01.2018 19:42

29.01.2018 19:43
LinkChild I mean it

29.01.2018 19:43

In a lonely house in the middle of a forest, a little girl way running back and forth around the house. She was an only child and had to entertain herself, since her mother was building again and her father was in town. The child was young, maybe 4 or 5, and curious. She climbed under desks, sat on counters, and tried to sneak into her mother’s workshop. She wasn’t very sneaky. Every time she got in, her mother picked her up and carried her away. She whined and complained, but was set outside and had the door shut in her face. She’d pout for a moment, then go off to do something else.
One day, she got herself in trouble.
Her mother was working, like always, and not paying attention to the child. The little girl knew she was to stay indoors, but her curiosity got the best of her. Silently, she slipped out the front door, and ran off into the fields.

The mother had assumed the child had finally fallen asleep, after an hour or so of silence in the house. She finally pulled herself away from her building, when she heard a scream outside.
Her daughter’s scream.
She ran outside. Her daughter was nowhere to be seen. The mother screamed her name over and over, looking for her in the grass. She prayed the child hadn’t been attacked.
Unfortunately, she had.
She had ran into the woods, and the mouth of a coyote-like animal had grabbed her shirt.
The “coyote” didn’t hurt her, though, and it took her into it’s den. The child screamed and cried while the coyote tried to nuzzle her and calm her.
Eventually, the mother followed her screams to the cave. She kicked the coyote away and picked up the child, carrying her home.