wow i have an opinion
03.04.2019 19:18
Linkk so um h i
this is just my opinion, so idrc if you agree or disagree but feel free to put in your opinion too cuz ye so, if you couldn't tell what the above says, it says that
this is flipanim (no duh) and there's a LOT of drama (no duh x2) on this site. some drama is unnecessary and some is SOMETIMES important. Okay, so about the unnecessary drama, there are a lot of people on here who like to start it I just don't know why, though. Like, is it cool to just walk up to someone and start making fun of them?? idk ig im not cool then making fun of other users is starting very unnecessary drama and like, it's U N N E C E S S A R Y
un·nec·es·sar·y ˌənˈnesəˌserē adjective adjective unnecessary not needed. more than is needed; excessive. UNNEEDED, needless, inessential, nonessential, NOT REQUIRED, uncalled for, gratuitous, USELESS
but like, people keep doing it?? lmao like this site even needs any more this is a drawing site lots of people have opinions (continued
03.04.2019 19:20
Linkand it's okay to have opinions
but sometimes, they're too much, or just like generally very rude *posts something*
"omg u fat"
like that
that's really excessive. and there's no point to that and then people just go like "omg y u so rude" and "ur always so mean im gonna go kms now ;("
an d then it all becomes this huge argument that has legitimately no reason at all most of these are started by:
1. young kids that prob need attention
2. "popular" people that they think being asses is cool, no offense
3. attention seekers/trolls
4. or jealous people
yes, jealous people people who are jealous of other animators who are one-upping them at a bunch of things can they let it go? hAH no??? wHy WoUlD yOu LeT tHat sLiDe?
be the mature one and ignore, let it go, and just stay chill
but ofc, to the actually important things, like people stealing art/bases or copying or "TrAcInG"
but i'm gonna say this now, conshh isn't tracing, she's using a reference. You can't trace online.
03.04.2019 19:20
LinkI agree there's to much drama on this site, especially unnecessary drama
03.04.2019 19:23
Linkand using references is okay as long as you credit.
but to other people who steal other people's art and make them their own, that's not okay
because one, that's stealing
and two, you're making it your own, lying to people, and is just fully wrong
so pls stop ok thx
or just actually CREDIT them because it's really not that hard to just put a link in to show where you got the inspiration or what you were referencing
and it's not a bad or embarrassing thing to use a reference because I do it all the time and so do many people
so credit please
to avoid drama and people attacking
and btw, making people go attack other users is also uncool
idc what it is
it's always best to take things easy, and just TALK it out
no need to yell, cuss, or harass them
cuz fighting really is never the way
so that's m y opinion. thanks for reading
and if you would like, you can share yours too and if you disagree with people, don't go attacking them, it's an O P I N I O N
o·pin·ion əˈpinyən noun
03.04.2019 19:25
03.04.2019 19:28
Linkhowd you make upside down e's????
03.04.2019 19:33
Linklmao the power of copy and paste
credit to google dictionary for the word meanings and upside down e's
you can go to keyboard codes where you press "alt" and a bunch of numbers to get weird symbols
upside down e's for everyone
03.04.2019 20:21
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Comment removed
To be honest. they "popular" people do that because they know they're cowards behind a screen. They think they can get away from it all. People do the same things as them thinking it's right because they manipulate them, and because they're popular and want the polarity too. It's more of greed in return. But I noticed that let them talk their shit and it won't matter anymore and it will get old. So i left. Now here i am. I actually felt so much better away from here for those THREE MONTHS because it made me realize a lot of things. It also just made me not give a damn about what they say because in the long run it's going to bite them back. As long as i just focus on the things i need to get done and my future dreams than pay attention to these assholes on the internet harassing kids then I'll be okay. so that's what i'm doing.
I agree with all this so hard.
Being a jerk isn't cool, you're just being a jerk.
There are ways to express your opinion without putting anyone down.
And stealing art is just wrong, don't care why you do it.
I'm pretty sure she is. I was watching a youtube video and her style was very similar like the exact same. But i can't blame her too much. She might be influenced or taught by that person just by watching them. Who knows I can't blame or assume anyone or anything. I haven't seen all of it, but Everyone gets influenced by somebody or something so it's likely she would have done something a long the lines of copying someone's art or art style.
Well, I mean, it's okay not to have a style or have your style inspired or similar to someone else's
at least she draws in a style
cuz i don't even have one xdd
I just meant, like, taking an online pic, redrawing it, and not crediting
or just taking an online image and just claiming it's yours
I'm not against anybody, I'm just sayin it's wrong
and this isn't being aimed at anyone, either
just in general
Well this site is full of from the age group to 7-10 whining about "Why me not getting likes owo, wait, me have "depression :')" to the other side age group 11-15 sometimes being edgy "Me gonna attempt death with a fork >:'), uh, me see death and birds falling" so uh yeah, this site is full of immature kids :v